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Alexey Leontev (Volkman)

SIAI-Marchetti SF-260M Belgian Air Component


51 7 April 2022, 20:17
David R. Meizoso
Wonderful work!
 7 April 2022, 20:21
Igor Zverev
Yellow Fly!
 8 April 2022, 04:42
Harry Eder
Very nice! 👍
 8 April 2022, 04:59
Alexey Leontev Autor
Thank's mates!
 8 April 2022, 06:19
Very beautiful! A real eyecatcher!
 8 April 2022, 08:15
Very nice, congrats 😉
 8 April 2022, 08:18
beautiful job. very colourful
 8 April 2022, 08:49
Dietmar Bogatzki
Very nice, Alexey !
 8 April 2022, 09:01
Erik De Smet
I admit: much nicer build than mine.
 8 April 2022, 09:41
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very nice work 👍
 8 April 2022, 09:51
Indeed beautiful!
 8 April 2022, 18:38
Christian Bruer
Excellent work and finish 👍
 8 April 2022, 19:09
Simon Nagorsnik
Very striking😁
Really like it!
 8 April 2022, 19:23
Alexey Leontev Autor
Thank you my friends!
 8 April 2022, 19:37
Lovely! 👍
 8 April 2022, 19:44
Beautiful, how did you mask the spinner! Must have lots of patience!
 9 April 2022, 19:12
Ben M
This is great!
 9 April 2022, 19:28
Bernd Korte
Great finish and flawless cockpit hood!
 9 April 2022, 19:34
Erik De Smet
@forestfan: the white line on the spinner is a decal in the kit.
 9 April 2022, 20:58
Ben Marshall
Decal or not, masterpiece
 9 April 2022, 21:35
Alexey Leontev Autor
@ForestFan: Yes, the white line on the spinner is a decal.
I didn't expect so many likes and comments. Thank you friends!
 10 April 2022, 18:21
Daniel Mysak
Very nice, well done.👍
 10 April 2022, 18:41
Łukasz Gliński
Very very neat 👍
 10 April 2022, 19:05
Alexey Leontev Autor
 11 April 2022, 08:21
Capt Bellinger
Beautiful work, a very pretty little aeroplane. 👍
 11 April 2022, 08:57
Tibor Szilvai
Very nice little yellow bird! 👍
 26 June 2023, 16:09

Project info

28 obrázky
1:72 SIAI-Marchetti SF-260M/AM/W (Special Hobby SH72418)1:72 SIAI-Marchetti SF-260M/AM/W (Special Mask M72011)

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