Argentinian Skyhawk South Atlantic Conflict
29 25 April 2022, 14:45

Well good job this build is for fun as have had issues with poor moulding on a few parts but at least they aren't visible.
Also just could not get parts 15A or 16A to fit as directed in instructions, had to trim rear off and fit to opposite sides to get them to fit , have no idea what I've done wrong but it's just for fun the wings and body have great details
28 April 2022, 08:04

Well I thought I would add a satin varnish to airframe before adding some tonal variation with oils and didn't think they would work well over a gloss coat. Chose Vallejo satin as I'd seamed to have acquired some 🤔 Well that turns to have been a big mistake 😱
As I was blending the oils on a wing a brownish mess started to form, so I decided to remove with some odourless thinner, that's when the varnish started to peel like a horror face peel 🤬. Not sure if the varnish needs a long time to go off or it is just no good with oil thinner? Cleaned wing and reapplied a new coat of satin to ensure a uniform finish and that will be it for this kit.b
5 May 2022, 10:43

While I've had my issue with this kit most were of my own making. I love the details and the fit of the wings to the body was perfect. The decals are another top draw offering, they are crisp clean virtually carrier film edge free and lovely and thin. The thinness meant they confirmed brilliantly to the mouldings but did mean you have to pay attention when moving them around, the anchors are both thin and delicate I was distracted as I was adding the last anchor and it wrapped itself into an unrecoverable ball and so is missing on my finished version, to be seen soon.
5 May 2022, 14:23
Album info
Kit inflight remembering 40 anniversary of the South Atlantic Conflict