Revell ME 262
6 10 June 2022, 03:39

Doubtful if the decals sliding down will be too noticeable under the canopy! Looks like you're off to a great start!
10 June 2022, 05:35

Thank you. I also think it will look fine under the canopy, but I still wish I would of caught that it slid down before I sprayed the clear coat over it.
10 June 2022, 05:38

Indeed. I understand. I have had the same thing happen on a car instrument panel and also didn't notice until it was too late! Happens but won't detract from the rest of your work!
10 June 2022, 06:39

You said it Karl. Anytime I point out flaws on my builds to people they're always surprised I even notice them. They're glaring to ourselves but not to anyone else.
10 June 2022, 17:04