Finished - 15cm SK C/28 Bismarck Class secondary armament
29 18 June 2022, 13:58

Takoms brand new 15cm SK C/28 Bismarck Class turret is a quite nice kit. There are only a few parts which not only made it an easy to build kit, but all parts are of excellent quality. The details are amazing, not only the rivets, but there are different blast bags which have a different texture for the left and right gun barrel, which makes it more lifelike. The small base is quite enough to present the turret. The only thing what I will replace is the thread for the railing. This should be replaced by scale 1/700 anchor chain f.e.
Happy Modelling, Christian
18 June 2022, 14:18

Hi Irving, you're welcome. IMHO the scale 1/700 chain is still a bit overdone, but I have no better option at the moment, but the provided plastic thread is definitely a no go.
10 August 2022, 17:18

Meanwhile the basic paintwork is done and weathering effects can be added.
Happy Modelling, Christian
28 January 2023, 14:27

Well the first one finished for this year. I am really happy with the final result.
Happy Modelling, Christian
13 February 2023, 17:32