Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey
July 31, 20222
August 5, 20223
August 5, 20224
October 1, 20225
October 1, 2022Working on a way to open/close the cargo door with some 'hydraulic rams' made with some brass rod/tube.6
October 1, 2022Pity that none of the 1:72 model kits have the correct 2 piece cargo door. As far as all the photos I have seen of the Osprey it should be a 2 piece as found on the bigger 1:48 kits, wonder why ??7
October 1, 2022Just some tidying up of the pivot points and I can glue the fuselage together.8
November 10, 2022Trying out a way of rebuilding the raised panel lines using EZ-line soaked in 'Glue n Glaze'9
November 10, 2022It sort of works... though something a bit thinner would be even better.10
November 10, 2022Need to do a better job of melding in the new panel line 'ends'.11
November 10, 2022The fuselage in its paint scheme and it's starting to look like an osprey.12
November 10, 2022Don't think I will glue the hydraulic ram piece (with blue ends) that tilts the rotor nacelle (in real life) so I can tilt the nacelle to whatever position I want on my model.13
November 10, 202214
November 10, 202215
November 10, 202216
December 3, 2022Pretty well finished finally, I think the final coat will be a matt/satin finish after a few more days to let the decals dry off and that will be it.17
December 3, 2022The gloss coat came up pretty well on this model18
December 3, 202219
December 3, 202220
December 3, 202221
December 3, 2022Oh, a jeep just fits in and I must glue the propellers on.22
December 20, 2022Final satin coat and everything glued in place23
December 20, 202224
December 20, 202225
December 20, 202226
December 20, 202227
December 20, 2022The end.
18 31 July 2022, 06:58