35 15 November 2022, 08:37

That would be excellent but that's OK you may make that later let's see its a great looking model as it is
Some here make dioramas very simple
And some build models a do dioramas later
Some many years later
What you have made is excellent and let's see
But most of all enjoy your hobby and let us see your new builds dioramas or not if you want it I'm sure it will come
But not all in a day
15 November 2022, 08:59

Ps so fare you have done more then me
But I do enjoy other people's work
Much and this is a great job so thanks for sharing
15 November 2022, 09:03

Jv models Thank you for your support and rating!)) I hope to please with new models. And maybe a diorama!)))
15 November 2022, 09:09

Модели от AVD на мой взгляд очень хорошо подходят для диорам.Сам сделал подобие диорамы с автобусом Лиаз получилось конечно так себе, но учитывая полученный опыт хочу сообразить новую диораму с грузовичком Skoda Rol 1203. Надеюсь воплотить новые задумки используя 3D принтер. 😉
15 November 2022, 09:18

bozo Thank you) I'll wait for the snow - and go to the steppe))
15 November 2022, 09:23

voc31 ну я пока вообще не нахожу сил даже подступаться к диорамам.. Пойду на пенсию - может, созрею)
15 November 2022, 09:24

I know that feeling. Afterwards you are going to ask yourself why you hestitated for so long. It is no rocket science. A lot of information for almost any kind of display is out there. Go for a little vignette and gather experiences with them. Such small scenes bring models to life - and yous definitely cry out for one. Go for it and Good luck.
PS: great model you show us here. I like the unusual subject and convincing wear. Well done.
15 November 2022, 09:39

All good mate I think most important you enjoy and the rest will follow
I am sure if a diorama it important to you you will get it done
But as you are you are still making an excellent model
Clean and perfect amount of whethering excellent build interesting model and look forward to see what else you build
15 November 2022, 09:59

Jv models Thanks for support. I will continue to please new models) Now building STZ-5! Will be ready soon)
15 November 2022, 10:04

Алексей Аксель
Видел Вашу работу на каропке!! Похоже нам на пенсию выходить в один год раз мы ровесники 😉
А к модели подставку с грязью и травой попробовать добавить можно. Хотя она и так смотрится отлично!!!
15 November 2022, 11:00

Don't worry mate just have fun an do it as you like but we all appreciate great love for what you do
When you are reddy to give us another build we will all be most happy to see it
15 November 2022, 11:12

An STZ-5? Oh am keen how you present yours. I have to take mine from the shelf of shame.
15 November 2022, 11:20

panorama I'll post the assembly process today. If I have free time.
15 November 2022, 11:29

voc31 ну, штош... Значит, вместе и пойдем)))) Будем пилить подставки на продажу молодым моделистам!))))
15 November 2022, 11:30

Excellent, I have the same in my stash. Yours is very inspiring.
1 February 2023, 14:09

fgeiu, This is a very good model! I'm sure you'll enjoy building
1 February 2023, 14:13