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S M (FinUhu)

Satunnaisesti Laukeava


6 21 November 2022, 21:21
Very promising!
 23 November 2022, 21:02
S M Autor
Thanks, Spanjaard!
 23 November 2022, 21:16
Greg Baker
Oooohhh… Spanjaard brought this one to my attention. I stalled out on a similar invisible horse project. I had a lot of trouble with getting a successful mould. I'm going to study this a bit.
 24 November 2022, 06:17
 24 November 2022, 07:08
S M Autor
Welcome aboard, Strobez! 😄 You are talking about your "The Haunted Tank" -project? I posted a picture of my mould that was pretty big. It is a 2-part mould where the second part is tiny and between legs. My first casting attempt failed because I didn't have any casting channels, so all the bubbles rised into legs and stomach. I poured the resin very slowly starting from ears.
 24 November 2022, 15:55
S M Autor
To get the horse very shiny I also applied clear varnish coats on it.
 24 November 2022, 15:58
S M Autor
I declare the project completed.
 27 November 2022, 21:39
Is there more info on the background of this interesting story ? I am afraid to google it...
 29 November 2022, 22:51
S M Autor
Well it is an original story so there is not much other information about it. Here I found the producer's blog about this play in Finnish: There is a recording of the play, but it is not public. There is also this public gallery: naaspeksi.galleria.f..A4%C3%A4sPeksi/2012/
 30 November 2022, 15:51

Album info

Student play character Scott Hart riding Polle the invisible horse.

20 obrázky
1:35 Yankee Scout and Tracker (Master Box MB3549)1:35 "Tomahawk Charge" (Master Box MB35192)

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