Son of a B!tch, 2nd Class....
Photo 1 of 49
46 15 December 2022, 20:35

Was hoping to get some work done today... went trimming a tree in the front that took a lot longer than I expected... all afternoon... and even longer to clean up. It's now far too cold to work in the shed so no models or modelling until tomorrow...
17 December 2022, 18:05

-1°C yesterday, +12°C today. Bit more conducive to modelling in the shed.
Well. 2 hours done today. 40 mins of which was painting the crew.
18 December 2022, 19:16

I built this kit when I was about 10 years old, bought it with my pocket money from the hardware store in the village where I grew up. Big selling point back then where the foldable wings. Happy days!
23 December 2022, 20:29

Apparently that dark blue is correct. Seems pretty dark in the photo but I think it is that dark on the real planes.
29 December 2022, 02:11

Yes, the Humbrol intermediate blue looks very dark in the photo but I think it's probably correct.
29 December 2022, 12:47

A trip through memory lane, I was 3 when this came out 🙂
Looking through the foto's and reading the comments made me feel like that little kid butchering and smearing these kits, great stuff 👍🏻
4 January 2023, 17:51

Very handsome model Roy. I suspect the finest build of this kit ever made. Congratulations!
29 January 2023, 00:50
Album info
Matchbox SB2C-1 oob
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Matchbox 50th anniversary group build
1. Duben 2022 dokud 31. Prosinec 2023
1. Duben 2022 dokud 31. Prosinec 2023