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Peter G (grabius)

YANMAR Combine YH6115 Build Photos

Photo 1 of 11


15 30 December 2022, 02:42
Peter G Autor
Welcome to the build! I saw this funny little combine and thought I'd give it a build. Should be quick and fun. Enjoy!
 30 December 2022, 02:47
Dash Rendar
Woo, looking forward to this one!
 30 December 2022, 17:06
Peter G Autor
I'm using @Plastic Magic Cement (Deluxe Materials AD77, No) as the plastic solvent instead of my usual @Tamiya Extra Thin Cement (Tamiya 87038, No) due to health concerns. I thought the Plastic Magic would be less toxic and just as good at welding. Let's find out!

 30 December 2022, 19:32
Villiers de Vos
A very interesting subject.
 31 December 2022, 04:47
Robert Podkoński
 31 December 2022, 09:41
Peter G Autor
The kit is missing the "F" tree so I can't proceed. Erp. Contacting manufacturer and hoping to get this resolved soon. In the meantime I'll twiddle my thumbs.
 31 December 2022, 21:54
Peter G Autor
Replacement kit en route! Thanks @MegaHobby scalemates.com/shops/shop.php?id=308 for the free substitute and swift shipping.
 3 January 2023, 16:34
Paul Gallagher
love the colour scheme and weathering on your build!
 4 October 2023, 14:00
Dash Rendar
Wonderful, great paintjob. Lovely colors. Well built!
 4 October 2023, 14:23
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 4 October 2023, 15:31

Project info

11 obrázky
1:35 YANMAR Combine YH6115 (Hasegawa 66007)

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