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Carlos Martin (Torpon)

AH-1Z 'Viper'

Photo 1 of 13


65 5 February 2023, 19:48
Guy Rump
Following. 👍
 5 February 2023, 22:37
I'm in too.
 6 February 2023, 20:49
Łukasz Gliński
Me 3! Curious how good the kit is
 7 February 2023, 15:21
Carlos Martin Autor
All welcomed and tanks for the support. This is my first model since the pandemic, when I put all the modelling stuff in the loft to get an office. It's meant to be a quick build to ease me back into the hobby, but I'm loving it!
 9 February 2023, 15:52
Tom B.
Cool! Been eyeing this kit for a while, so this will likely be a good one to get you going again 👍
 9 February 2023, 19:10
Simon Nagorsnik
Got their UH as a gift, so this is very interesting!
I´m watching with plessure!
 9 February 2023, 19:47
Taylor Durbon
Wow, quick progress. Eager to see she painted.
 10 February 2023, 21:54
Erik Torp
 10 February 2023, 21:56
Michael Kohl
Me too
 14 February 2023, 16:41
Bernd Grün
Very nice start, Carlios. Following with interest. 👀
 15 February 2023, 08:14
Villiers de Vos
Nice progress.
 15 February 2023, 16:31
Carlos Martin Autor
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I was doing so well thanks to being stuck at home with COVID, but my strike finished yesterday when I accidentally over-sprayed the rotor and had a Mr Bean moment trying to clean it up.... I am re-painting the rotor today and working on other projects, but I hopefully I will resume the build tomorrow.
 15 February 2023, 17:10
Carlos Martin Autor
Let's say it's finished.
 17 February 2023, 16:19
Carlos Martin Autor
I've r realized only today that I have put the wings back to front! What a shame. At this stage I have decided to move on and learn the lesson.
 17 February 2023, 16:21
Carlos Martin Autor
Thanks for the encouragement all the way, I feel really motivated for the next project. Hopefully I'll put the wings on the right direction.
 17 February 2023, 16:22
Michael Kohl
As long as it doesn't happen with planes... 😜
 17 February 2023, 16:50
Carlos Martin Autor
I'm sure it has happened... It's a mistake easily done! I think I glued the wings the same day that I put orange juice in the cafetiere.... No more modelling before I'm full on caffeine!
 17 February 2023, 17:06
Joshua H
Beautiful work! What color of blue did you use for around the canopy btw?
 17 February 2023, 17:19
Carlos Martin Autor
Joshua, thanks. I used Vallejo model air 71.114. Vallejo recommends this colour for fs35237, but it look to me too blue, so I toned down the colour work light grey.
 17 February 2023, 18:37
Guy Rump
Very nice clean build. 👍
 17 February 2023, 19:51
Very well done, interesting subject!
 17 February 2023, 21:12
Joshua H
Ah its fantastic! I love the more "Aqua Blue" verse a more vibrant blue to be honest

What was the Ratio you used? 90/10?
 17 February 2023, 22:51
Bernd Grün
Absolute amazing build, Carlos! congrats, mate. 👌
 17 February 2023, 23:06
Carlos Martin Autor
Thanks everyone!
Joshua, I I used 3 parts of 71.114,, medium grey , to one of 71.046,. Pale grey blue rml 76. I used the pale grey blue for the underside. I'm no expert in the subject, it looks ok to me compared with photos.
 18 February 2023, 08:08
Vry nice model; well done 🙂
 18 February 2023, 09:50
I agree with Curatorm. Maybe more photos of the completed model?
 18 February 2023, 10:57
Oliver Zwiener
Masterpiece !
 19 February 2023, 19:30

Album info

Out of the box build of the 1/72 Dreammodel great viper.

13 obrázky
1:72 AH-1Z 'Viper' (DreamModel DM 720012)

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