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Christian Bruer
Christian Bruer

Finished - Two donkeys and a mule - North Africa 1941


29 26 February 2023, 14:39
Christian Bruer Autor
A wonderful set of figures from White Stork MIniatures. Painting was done using acrylics and oils.

Happy Modelling, Christian
 26 February 2023, 14:42
Jan Peters
Great little scene! And great paint work 👍🏻
 26 February 2023, 14:43
Pietro De Angelis
 26 February 2023, 14:53
Christian Bruer Autor
Thx a lot Jan and Pietro 🙂
 26 February 2023, 15:02
Tom B.
Always wanted to see that set built! Great job 👍
 26 February 2023, 21:31
Christian Bruer Autor
Thank you Tom 🙂
 27 February 2023, 11:44
Bernhard Schrock
🙂 🙂 🙂
 27 February 2023, 11:56
Christian Bruer Autor
Thx Bernhard 🙂
 27 February 2023, 19:09

Project info

7 obrázky
1:72 North Africa 1941 “Stubborn donkey” (White Stork Miniatures F72023)

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