AVRO Canada CF-105 Arrow
April 20, 2023The 3D printed parts come well protected in their cage.2
April 20, 2023Was going to add some extra card to get a more sharp edge on the intake but decided against it.3
April 20, 20234
April 20, 2023Mandatory coat of Mr Surfacer to hide the 3D printing marks, not as bad as the XF-108 from Beaver Corp. Cover up some of the other blemish's as well5
April 24, 2023Major parts attached and another whiter primer coat to prepare for the final white paint job.6
April 24, 20237
May 8, 2023Put on the color highlights. The white Vallejo is taking days to totally dry (still has that wet slightly tacky feel) which is making it problematic when trying to do more work. Maybe because Winter has come early here in Tasmania ? Might try and find a place near the heater to see if I can get the paint to dry off before I can try some clear coat. The Zero I'm doing in Tamiya XF paints are not having this problem.8
May 8, 2023Some red leaked under my less than perfect masking, bugger ! It's a pain to make disappear with white paint.9
May 8, 202310
May 8, 2023Doing a An-225 and Buran in 1/700 as a filler during all the waiting between other 2 main projects on the go at the moment.11
May 8, 202312
May 26, 2023Decals are done, need to decide if some oil wash weathering is needed. Used AK's Gauzy gloss coat which went on pretty well (lot's of light coats before a nice wet coat to finish)13
May 26, 202314
May 26, 2023Still need to do the canopy.15
May 26, 202316
May 26, 202317
May 26, 202318
May 26, 202319
May 26, 2023Finished the An-225/Buran as well20
June 7, 2023Final decals and canopy completed to finish this one.
13 20 April 2023, 13:02