Toyota Corolla WRC
June 28, 20232
June 28, 2023Body here is still not painted. I was afraid to start painting the body 🙂3
June 28, 2023i added some nuts for the weight. not sure why i wanted it to be heavy4
June 28, 20235
June 28, 20236
June 28, 20237
June 28, 2023i mixed a lot of colors myself since i had limited amount of them 🙂8
June 28, 20239
June 28, 2023i really liked how smooth was the surface after applying the paint from the airbrush. I used mostly paints from Revell because they were readily available for me from the local shops. The smoothness of the surface after airbrushing was the first big surprise for me.10
June 28, 2023I used Tamiya TS-26 pure white paint which was not backed up by any base paint. This already gave me heaps of troubles since the paint is very transparent. I did about 10 layers in total and almost all of the can was used. I also tried to polish it next day for some reason 🙂 then i had to repaint it of course.11
June 28, 2023I saw couple of other car models from other modellers and saw that all of them have nice dark panel lines. Since I had no idea on how to achieve this I tried everything from pencil to marker and I dont really remember what was the best (all kinda sucked). I did apply the panel lines before the clearcoat here, which ofcourse meant that i need to work extra to remove the residue. I am not making this mistake again.12
June 28, 2023first decals were the easiest ones13
June 28, 2023at this point i realized that I would need some solvent to soften the decals and make them flexible for the curved surfaces. I ruined some of the decals because I was poking them with the solvent brush (but I was able to fix them back).14
June 28, 202315
June 28, 202316
June 28, 202317
June 28, 202318
June 28, 2023my first big challenge were the blue decals. I tore them like 50 times each. At the end i had to mix paint which resembled with the color of the movistar blue, and fix the missing decal pieces.19
June 28, 202320
June 28, 202321
June 28, 2023and then this happened. I was unable to get the decal to follow the roof pattern. after all i was frustrated and tore the decal because i tried too hard to soften it.22
June 28, 2023with the help of my wife I was able to mix my own castrol green and red colours which helped to touch up the damn roof (and not only)23
June 28, 202324
June 28, 202325
June 28, 202326
June 28, 2023i was proud of myself because only i know how many touch-ups were done here27
June 28, 2023only one step to go was to paint the door and window seals black28
June 28, 202329
June 28, 2023and this happened....
I wrapped the whole car in tape to protect it from overspray. The tape then took the clearcoat and the decals with it when i removed it. My mood was below the floor level. There was only one option: mix more paint and make more touch ups.30
June 28, 202331
June 28, 202332
June 28, 202333
June 28, 202334
June 28, 202335
June 28, 202336
June 28, 2023i forgot to paint the small grille black. I am sure you did not notice 🙂37
June 28, 202338
June 28, 202339
June 28, 202340
June 28, 2023the black bosch öhlins decals were ruined beyond repair, so i was considering printing my own decals on a piece of transparent waterslide decal paper. I never did it because i had another idea.41
June 28, 202342
June 28, 202343
June 28, 202344
June 28, 202345
June 28, 202346
June 28, 202347
June 28, 202348
June 28, 202349
June 28, 202350
June 28, 202351
June 28, 2023I really liked how the car came out at the end, it was just couple of decals that were disturbing me. But since the color scheme was so varied it was not instantly visible.52
June 28, 2023Long story short I decided to make the car in "unwashed" condition which helped me to mask the sketchy spots 🙂 It was not an easy decision since once I am going this way there was no coming back.53
June 28, 2023I used 2 colours: Tamiya Buff and Tamiya Earth. My cheap airbrush was building too low pressure so I was a master of spots and splatter already.54
June 28, 202355
June 28, 2023a sneak peek of my second project which I started and finished before I finished my first one 🙂
20 28 June 2023, 11:34

It takes skill to build a butiful model
It takes another set of skills to Wether it well
I think you master both
1 July 2023, 09:47