US Air Force (1947-now) 353 TFS, 354 TFW78-0681/MBPlay Time, Little Lady Diane 1991 Gulf War»Operation Desert Storm - King Fahd Airport FS36081FS34092FS34102
NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1958-now) NASA Dryden Flight Research Center71-0290 / 837ACTIVE STOL/MTD 1994 - Dryden FRC, Edwards AFB, CA red, white, blue
US Air Force (1947-now) 157 FS Swamp Fox, 169 FW, South Carolina ANG79-0305(John Marshal) Leden 1991 Gulf War»Operation Desert Storm - Al Kharj FS36375FS36270FS36118
US Air Force (1947-now) 138 TFS Cobras, 174 TFW, New York ANG79-0403(Mike Hall) Leden 1991 Gulf War»Operation Desert Storm - Al Kharj FS36375FS36270FS36118
US Air Force (1947-now) US Air Force Air Demonstration Sqn. - Thunderbirds3(Maj. Nicole Malachowski) Listopad 2007 - Nellis AFB, NV FS17875FS15044FS11136
US Air Force (1947-now) 526 TFS Black Knights, 86 TFW89-2137/RS(Capt. Robert "Wilbur" Wright) Duben 1994 Operation Deny Flight - Ramstein AB FS36375FS36270FS36118
US Air Force (1947-now) 497 TFS, 8 TFW63-7680 / FP(Col. Robin Olds/1st Lt. Charles Clifton) Leden 1967 Operation Bolo - Ubon RTAFB FS34079FS34102FS30219FS17875
US Air Force (1947-now) 133 ARS, 157 ARW, New Hampshire ANG17-46034Spirit of Portsmouth 2023 - Pease ANGB, NH AMC Proud grey FS36173, NG Minuteman on USA Flag tail
NACA-National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (1915-1958) High-Speed Fight Research Station46-62Glamorous Glennis(Capt. Charles "Chuck" Yeager) říjen 1947 The first manned supersonic flight - Muroc Dry Lake Base