O mně
- Jméno:
- Rich Evans
- Přezdívka:
- RichEvans
- Země:
Spojené státy americké
- Město:
- Allamuchy
- Členem od:
- April 8, 2019
- společenství:
- papermates.net (Paper modeling)gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)railwaymates.com (Train modeling)diecastmates.com (Diecast models)rcmates.net (RC modeling)
Built 1st model (likely 1/48 Spitfire) at age 6 with my dad in the mid 1950s and from that point I was hooked. Built probably a few hundred kits up until I got married in the mid ‘70s, then picked up the hobby again this past year, more than 40 years later after I retired. Everything has changed, but still loving it.
Retired R&D forensic scientist specializing in Microscopy; worked for 45 years for a multinational medical device manufacturer - arguably the world’s largest manufacturer of precision molded plastic parts - and therefore I’m highly adept at handling tiny parts...LOL!
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Heavy Duty Truck Vozidla » Kamiony | 1916–Nyní
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