modelářská databáze | správa kitníku
Andrea Succio (AndreaS64)

Alba (14)

Všechna alba

14 obrázky
Parata della festa della Repubblica ItalianaView album, image #6
1:35 LMV Lince (Italeri 6504)1:35 ITALIAN "ALPINO" GOING ON (Model Victoria 4016)1:35 Italian Alpine Soldier (Afghanistan 2008/9) / 1 :35 (Royal Model 603)2+
23 obrázky
Immediatly before apocalypseView album, image #3
Projekt: Vietnam
1:35 PBR 31 Mk.II Patrol Boat River  (Tamiya 35150)1:35 PBR 31 Mk.II Pibber (Eduard 53010)1:35 M151 Accessory Set (Vietnam) (Legend Productions LF1051)2+
13 obrázky
M151A1 VietnamView album, image #12
Projekt: Vietnam
1:35 PBR 31 Mk.II Patrol Boat River  (Tamiya 35150)1:35 PBR 31 Mk.II Pibber (Eduard 53010)1:35 M151 Accessory Set (Vietnam) (Legend Productions LF1051)2+
16 obrázky
PBR31 Mk.IIView album, image #10
Projekt: Vietnam
1:35 PBR 31 Mk.II Patrol Boat River  (Tamiya 35150)1:35 PBR 31 Mk.II Pibber (Eduard 53010)1:35 M151 Accessory Set (Vietnam) (Legend Productions LF1051)2+
31 obrázky
1945 winter in Poland - towards the OderView album, image #12
1:35 T-34/85 Model 1944 No.174 Factory (Rye Field Model RM-5040)1:35 Assault Infantry (MiniArt 35226)1:35 Tank Crew Winter Uniforms (MiniArt 35244)
30 obrázky
T-34/85 Model 1945 No.174 Factory View album, image #17
1:35 T-34/85 Model 1944 No.174 Factory (Rye Field Model RM-5040)1:35 Assault Infantry (MiniArt 35226)1:35 Tank Crew Winter Uniforms (MiniArt 35244)
16 obrázky
Sd.Kfz.11View album, image #9
1:35 Carro Armato M13/40 (Tamiya 35296)1:35 Military men (Master Box MB35144)1:35 88mm Gun FlaK 36/37 (Tamiya MM117)4+
23 obrázky
Passo di Halfaya - Hell PassView album, image #19
1:35 Carro Armato M13/40 (Tamiya 35296)1:35 Military men (Master Box MB35144)1:35 88mm Gun FlaK 36/37 (Tamiya MM117)4+
37 obrázky
Carro Armato M13/40View album, image #35
1:35 Carro Armato M13/40 (Tamiya 35296)1:35 Military men (Master Box MB35144)1:35 88mm Gun FlaK 36/37 (Tamiya MM117)4+
20 obrázky
Horch 108 Type 40View album, image #15
1:35 Horch 108 Type 40 (Revell 03271)1:35 Tank Crew (Tamiya 35201)1:35 VK 4501(P) Tiger Ferdinand (Italeri 6565)
11 obrázky
88mm Gun Flak 36 DAK View album, image #1
I'm pretty happy with how the cannon is doing. I have to fix the dirt a bit, especially in the gears
1:35 Carro Armato M13/40 (Tamiya 35296)1:35 Military men (Master Box MB35144)1:35 88mm Gun FlaK 36/37 (Tamiya MM117)4+
20 obrázky
Ritorno dal collaudoView album, image #1
1:35 Horch 108 Type 40 (Revell 03271)1:35 Tank Crew (Tamiya 35201)1:35 VK 4501(P) Tiger Ferdinand (Italeri 6565)

Ostatní alba

31 obrázky
Fallout new CaliforniaView album, image #2
7 obrázky
VK 4501(P)-Tiger(P)View album, image #1
Ritorno a costruire modelli dopo oltre 35 anni. Questo è il mio primo tentativo fatto seguendo le moderne tecniche che h...