PzKpfw I in West
Fall Gelb - Invasion of France and the Low Countries 1940
Star Decals | Nr. 35-C 1318 | 1:35


USD 9.64

USD 11.99

€ 6.50

zł 30.15

€ 6.72

USD 5.49

¥ 1440

Alternative SKUs für Star Decals 35-C 1318:
STAR35C1318 | SD35-C1318 | SRD35C1318 | 35-C1318 | STAR351318 | STAR35-C1318
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PzKpfw I in West Fall Gelb - Invasion of France and the Low Countries 1940
Star Decals 1:35
35-C 1318 2021 Neue Bausatzform