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100 13 May 2022, 23:15

Thx and welcome mates!
@Robert: I don't know what you've seen of my last "achievements";)
The first two were Ukrainian themes.
1st: green with reddish brown/black stripes
2nd: 4-tonal digital camo
I just didn't like the first one anymore when I saw it on the model - therefore: new!
Unfortunately, I worked too inaccurately on the second one - so: new!
Then I decided on a different scheme that I like - and it works! 🥳
16 May 2022, 17:02

I think I have seen the other two, for me they were perfect enough… for some reason I recall a saying: science is about trials and errors.
I hope you find your science on this trial😎
17 May 2022, 13:46

Thank you for your encouraging words Chan!
I couldn't be satisfied with my performance with the other two.
These were not "completely bad" These were not "very bad", but there were discrepancies that I could not accept, but now it goes better!
17 May 2022, 19:26

Thanks mates!
But in the next time there will be only rather slow progress...
1 June 2022, 07:26

Stellar work, Simon 👍
This will be another great piece once the dio is done. 🙂
1 June 2022, 07:46

Thx Robin and Lukasz!
And for sure, the S-Modrl kits are great!
Whenever it's possible, I try to get one!
1 June 2022, 13:42

Looking forward to seeing this finished Simon. I'm sure it will be another masterpiece.
2 June 2022, 09:54

Haha, dude, I'm actually building a 72 scale vehicle (for fun), every time I browse your albums I get to pick up something useful.
2 June 2022, 14:32

Thank you for your support Neil and Finn!
You're too kind Chan🙂 But I can tell you that I'm really looking forward to your '72 vehcle!
Will surely be a nice surprise 😉
Currently I'm working a bit on the figures.
Trying to paint russian VSR camo uniforms is a hard piece of work.
I think I need to use an alternative technic for the pattern.....
3 June 2022, 15:15

Simon, how did you create the Russian flag?
And did you paint it before you gave it its uuuh... I don't know how to say it, waving appearance or afterwards?
9 June 2022, 14:09

Robin: For the flag I used a post-it sheet.
First I paint one side in white, then i applied the stripes.
Applied white glue on the rearside and folded it around the antenna.
I used two tweezers to form the waves before the glue was dry.
Finally, I corret the colors a bit, where it was necessary.
When everything was ready, I mount it on the vehicle.
I hope this can help you🙂
9 June 2022, 16:50

That helps very much, Simon. Thanks. 🙂
I was wondering for some time how to make a flag.
9 June 2022, 17:21

The disadvantage of post-it's is that the flag is a bit to thick.
Next time I'll use gum packaging or masking tape.
11 June 2022, 13:42

After three new attempts with the vehicle and numerous new attempts with the figures- and a bottle of paint remover later- It's done😁!!
12 June 2022, 18:31

the result is superb From the machine to the figures 🤩 posed on its diorama
great art
12 June 2022, 23:30

I also somehow missed this! Wow, again such detail in 1/72! Bravo!
14 June 2022, 03:56

Thanks Zsolt, Chan and Djordje!
I'm always happy about such good comments from such talented model builders😁
Chan: I tried to stick to my reference as much as possible.
I think the Russian intervention in South Ossetia was in August.
14 June 2022, 08:03

I like it very much. Great figure placement and painting. The way you treated the camo. Just nice from every angle and aspect.
14 June 2022, 08:28

Thanks a lot Michael for your comment! I`m glad when you like it!
Chan: know what you mean, I am in the same position 😁
14 June 2022, 15:18

another that i almost missed. man, i am in shock seeing your dios. you can do it better in 1/72 that most in 1/35. simply fantastic!
21 June 2022, 20:17

that's 1:72 not bad, looks like 1:35 because of all the little details
5 July 2022, 19:40

Thanks Mate!
72 is my favourite scale and I always try to make the best of it - if I can do it 😅
With every project I try to learn something new.
5 July 2022, 19:52

Do you have any tips or guidance on painting the figures? They amount of detail you got into them look stunning!
21 July 2023, 21:34

@LC76: Thanks mate!
When painting figures, in my opinion, experience, only practice makes you getting perfect;).
A simple progress would be to paint on the basic tone, then a first lightening of the base paint to make wrinkles, pockets more visible and final accent highlights to emphasize the most important details.
The base color should serve as a shadow, the first lightening as the actual shade.
A second lightening between the first and the strongest highlights is quite advisable to get a smoother gradation of color.
A thin acrylic filter can also help with this.
It is important to outline all details with a dark color (like dark brown, dark green, etc) to achieve clear demarcations of the details.
A very good help is this:
23 July 2023, 07:41