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43 Bilder
McDonnell XP-67 MoonbatView album, image #31
Ready for inspection! First vacc kit done.
1:72 McDonnell XP-67 Bat (RarePlane )1:72 McDonnell XP-67 Bat Propeller & Undercarriage Set (Aeroclub V091)
97 31 August 2023, 15:27
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat! (Vacuum formed kits are far beyond my patience and skills...)
 31 August 2023, 16:07
J35J Autor
Thanks Robert!
Well, this is my first vacuum kit so I feel quite humble starting the build.
I'm also planning to use some parts from a P-61 kit (props and landing gear) that seems to be a decent match at a first glance.
Any advice or best practice from all mates regarding vacuum formed kits are welcome.
 31 August 2023, 17:14
One of the most beautifull aircraft ever ❤️
 31 August 2023, 17:18
Hanno Kleinecke
This promises to be very interesting - Checking in !
 31 August 2023, 19:17
Follow 👀
 31 August 2023, 19:35
Dave Flitton
 31 August 2023, 19:55
Marcel Klemmer
I would like to take a seat. Vacu-Kits are always exciting👍
 31 August 2023, 20:04
J35J Autor
Thanks for all kind feedback and intrest. Welcome to the project👍🏻
 5 September 2023, 17:29
 5 September 2023, 18:55
Łukasz Gliński
Joining the party
 6 September 2023, 08:31
Isaac Kite
Now that is a really RARE Rareplane. Wishing you great success with this curious beast.
 23 October 2023, 14:35
Ben M
 23 October 2023, 14:45
Michael Kohl
 23 October 2023, 15:34
J35J Autor
Thanks Isaac Kite, Ben M and Michael Kohl for your kind comments.
To get things even more intresting it turned out the kit was incomplete with missing horisontal stabilizor parts.
So if any mates out there have some Junkers JU88 stabilizor parts in 1/72 I'm all ears. 😀
 23 October 2023, 17:09
I'm in, best of luck
 29 December 2023, 15:34
Живко Джаков

I'm following.
 29 December 2023, 17:16
J35J Autor
Thanks Finn! Yes, some luck will certainly be needed in this build…😅
 29 December 2023, 17:16
J35J Autor
Thanks Живко Джаков
 4 January 2024, 09:31
Found this project late so I'm taking a back seat. Cool subject and vacu-kits are very interesting. Did you add any internal support into the model? And if you don't find any spare stabilators you could scratch build them easily from styrene sheets.
 4 January 2024, 20:43
J35J Autor
Welcome S M,
As mentioned before it my first vacu-kit encounter so it is quite intresting to get the feel for it compared with a "normal" kit. Also good training for the building skills.
Regarding internal support I put in four plastic sheets as I had to create the air intakes for the engines.
Thanks for the advice regarding the stabilisators. I will have a final go in my stash to see if there is something that can work with some mods, otherwise scratchbuild.
 4 January 2024, 22:23
Well done so far 👍
 7 January 2024, 20:41
Michael Kohl
Looks like the main hurdle is taken. The special shape comes to life.
 7 January 2024, 20:54
Yay you found stabilators 👍
 8 January 2024, 20:13
J35J Autor
Thank you Cuajete & Michael for you comment
@S M - Yes! I found some stabs from an old DH Hornet kit that fitted perfect after some minor adjustments.

Next step will be to take a stab at the cockpit. I should had cut out the entire cockpit bay and sorted the scratchbuild for that before glueing together the fuselage…
 10 January 2024, 14:20
Didn't Batman have one of these?
 10 January 2024, 19:45
Super cool design from 1944! Too bad it never made it to production.
 10 January 2024, 19:49
following, one of my favorite planes!
 11 January 2024, 17:48
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
 11 January 2024, 22:01
White metal parts seems to be a good investment.
 14 January 2024, 12:46
J35J Autor
Thanks mates for all nice comments
@S M - indeed the white metal parts was a good investment. Took some time to hunt them down.😅
 20 January 2024, 15:44
Good progress!
 27 January 2024, 20:00
taking a sit
 27 January 2024, 20:24
Patryk S.
 27 January 2024, 20:29
J35J Autor
Thanks for comments & intrest mates!👍🏻
 22 February 2024, 22:48
Following 👍
 22 February 2024, 23:13
Robert Podkoński
Looks like you're seeing the finish line now, J35J 😉 I am impressed with your skills and perseverance - myself, I am not patient enough to tackle vacuum-formed kits...
 23 February 2024, 07:12
Gary Kitchen
Fabulous work and a very interesting subject. Agree with Skyhiker surely an inspiration for later Bat Wings. One question, will the metal props be sufficient weight-wise to avoid tail-sitting or did I miss a nose weight going in. I only ask because I'm having a pig of time trying to get enough weight into an Airfix Mig17.
 23 February 2024, 07:21
J35J Autor
Thanks Robert for very kind words. 🙏🏼😀
Yes, you have to put in some more patience, spare parts from other kit's and research to knock out the details, otherwise it is pretty straight forward.
As you have already completed some Unicraft kits you can easly take on a vacc kit.👍🏻
 23 February 2024, 08:44
J35J Autor
Thanks Gary for your comments. Yes, tail sitters is a pain in the ….
Regarding this kit I had to be creative with where to put in extra weight. After some thoughts I decided to put it in the engine nacelles as these are quite long and had some distance form the main wheels.
I understand your situation with the Mig. There is not much space for extra weight. Have you considered the product "Liquid Gravity"?
 23 February 2024, 09:10
Michael Kohl
Liquid gravity is rather expensive. A similar but cheap method is to purchase lead granules (<1mm). You can mix them with Elmers glue and you have liquid gravity for a fraction of the price.
 23 February 2024, 11:53
Gary Kitchen
Thanks J35J and Michael- i have the liquid gravity arriving but yes very expensive- I'll try the lead granules next time 👍
 23 February 2024, 14:04
I would recommend tungsten fishing weights because they weight more than lead, but are more expensive.
 23 February 2024, 22:10
Jennifer Franklin
Late to the party but following now
 23 February 2024, 22:15
Łukasz Gliński
Your progress on the BatPlane looks great 👍
 24 February 2024, 09:28
Nice progress! The front wheel leg looks pretty thin.
 28 February 2024, 16:00
J35J Autor
Thanks mates!
Yes, the white metal version is a little thin. Currently thinking about if I should "beef up" the front wheel leg or just leave it as is.
 28 February 2024, 16:11
very impressive!
 28 February 2024, 18:04
J35J Autor
Thanks Clement!
 3 March 2024, 10:24
Łukasz Gliński
Lovely satin varnish 👍 Doesn't look like vacu kit anymore 👍
 3 March 2024, 10:30
J35J Autor
Thanks Łukasz! 👍🏻
It coming nice together after all work.
There no varnish on yet, according to pictures flat varnish seems to be the the way forward. Some final decisions need to be made.
 3 March 2024, 12:05
Agree with Lukasz! 💯
 3 March 2024, 12:34
Holy McDonnell, Batman! It's almost finished.
 3 March 2024, 18:51
I agree with Łukasz and Neil 👌
 3 March 2024, 19:17
Only cow! That's neat! I didn't even know vacuum kits existed - and the work in progress certainly makes it look like a regular plastic kit!
 4 March 2024, 00:51
I agree with Cuajete, Łukasz and Neil 😛 impressive vaccum result so far !
 4 March 2024, 05:39
J35J Autor
Thanks for all kind comments! Still waiting for some stencil decals to arrive…😅
 6 March 2024, 09:14
J35J Autor
Project completed! First vacc kit was a intresting experiance. Fun and challenging build. Will certainly build some more vacc's in my stash.
 16 March 2024, 13:05
Alex K
Outstanding! Respects! 👍 👍
 16 March 2024, 13:14
J35J Autor
Thanks Alex K!
 16 March 2024, 13:52
I would never have believed that this started as a vacform kit. Outstanding work.
 16 March 2024, 15:11
Robert Podkoński
Awesome work! Chapeau bas!
 16 March 2024, 15:54
J35J Autor
Thanks gorby and Robert Podkonski for kind comments and support
 16 March 2024, 18:16
Awesome work for this exquisite aircraft. I'm a fan [img1]
 16 March 2024, 18:32
Wow! Amazing work on an obscure subject and probably very challenging kit
 16 March 2024, 18:38
Fantastic job. Beautiful!
 16 March 2024, 18:52
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Super nice Moon bat 🦇!👍👍👍
 16 March 2024, 19:17
Łukasz Gliński
Incredible Batplane! Would never guess it's vacuformed 👍
 16 March 2024, 19:32
Guy Rump
Super job! Congrats! 👍
 16 March 2024, 20:16
David Taylor
Well done.
 16 March 2024, 20:19
J35J Autor
Many thanks for all kind comments. Means a lot!
Bringing a 45 year old kit to life was as quite a journey.
 16 March 2024, 20:42
Jennifer Franklin
It looks amazing!
 16 March 2024, 20:52
J35J Autor
Thanks Jennifer!
 16 March 2024, 21:17
Gary Kitchen
Fabulous finish and a great subject. 👍
 17 March 2024, 08:20
I agree with Gary.
 17 March 2024, 10:17
Nice rare bird. Vac kits are a lot of work but when you get them finished it is really rewarding. Congratulations.
 17 March 2024, 10:53
J35J Autor
Thanks Gary, Neuling & Skyhiker for your comments!👍🏻
 17 March 2024, 16:30
You brilliantly finished this cool aircraft! Very cool model! 👍👍👍👍👍
 17 March 2024, 21:13
J35J Autor
Thank you S M for kind words!
The kit turned out well after some up's and down's during the build.
 18 March 2024, 09:41
Derek Buckmaster
You've done a wonderful job with that! Not too many kits around with the fuselage split into top & bottom halves, but perfectly logical for this bird.
 18 March 2024, 10:17
J35J Autor
Thanks Derek for your comments. 👍🏻
 18 March 2024, 13:51
Bernd Grün
Very nice build and paint job! Congratulation! 👌👌👌
 19 March 2024, 21:21
Rui Reis
That is great work and even more so from a vacform kit! I love the Moonbat, it's a beautiful plane and your build does it justice.
 19 March 2024, 22:10
Patryk S.
Outstanding result! Congratulations!
 20 March 2024, 09:07
J35J Autor
Thanks mates for comments and encouragement👍🏻
 20 March 2024, 16:05

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