Thread gestartet von kubafiala

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101 20 January, 15:01

I started another quick OOB build. After a super small Spitfire, it's a small Bf-109
20 January, 15:09

In Police Service? Are you kidding me? What did they want to do with it?
Anyway, nice start. Peeking at this one for a nice OOB build too.
21 January, 18:51

Michael, they used them to keep deluded citizens from leaving the warm embrace of the homeland. And to interdict spies and other Western miscreans. Mostly flown by military pilots, so it was really a part of the Air Force. Czechoslovakia had a similar institution before 1939, primarily to keep Luftwaffe spy planes from infiltrating, and this continued this tradition, just against different enemies.
3 21 January, 19:28

Thank you, gents!
Michael, Alec's explanation is very accurate. There is nothing to add.
Thank you, Alec
1 22 January, 09:12

Thank you, mates!
I completed the main build. The fit of parts is absolutely excellent 👍
2 3 February, 12:29

interesting topic and very promising progress Jakub! Taking a seat 🙂
10 February, 09:54

Watching! I think I should send you my kits to have them built. I can't come close to this one!
10 February, 21:55

A quick OOB build @jakub?😉 The construction and paintwork is so well done that you would almost forget that this model is only a few cm tall. The pictures are a feast for the eyes.
17 February, 09:47

Thanks mates, for your comments!
Lukasz, i´m curious too 😄 I wiil try to mix it to match the red color used on decals.
Bohrmann, i thought i would be faster 😄
1 17 February, 13:59

It looks excellent. Love the subtlety of the shading, but you can still definitely see it on the photos. May I ask how you use that Wauchop mix on pic 18?
18 February, 07:44

Thank you, mates!
Alberto, i use ,,wauchop mix´´ and insignia white both the same way. First i spray camouflge color. Then i mix this color with wauchop mix and spray darker patterns (over panel lines and some random rivet lines) Then i do the same with the mix of camo color and white. Finaly, i respray the whole surface with diluted camouflage color to achieve the desired contrast. this procedure can be repeated until you are satisfied.
1 18 February, 12:28

So, Wauchop mix is a murky brown to use as a contrasting warm mixing color to the camouflage color? Whereas the white is the color for the bleached variant of that same camouflage color?
18 February, 17:28

Yes Patrick. I am using it this way. And during weathering steps, you may use this black-brown mix to create some dirt using an airbrush gun.
18 February, 18:10

Looking at your results, this might be a very interesting way to obtain some differentiating shading. Do you have a mixing ratio at hand, so I can give it a try myself? Thanks in advance! 🙂
18 February, 18:44

I'm sorry Patrick, i'm not able to tell you a mixing ratio. I just mixed some amount of black and brown to create some ,,dirty color". But i think, that it is not very important. For this purpose you just need some dark color. Maybe dark grey will work the same way.
This is how Chris Wauchop use his mix for postshading:
19 February, 09:54

No worries! I'll just mix a dirty brown concoction and experiment a bit. 😉 Thanks for that Kittyhawk link btw!
1 19 February, 14:06

Thank you Alec and Lukasz!
In the end i changed a mix ratio a little bit. So, the final ratio was app: 55% C81 russet
35% H17 cocoa brown
10% LP35 insignia white
25 February, 14:30

I agree with Alec and Łukasz. Very nice painting job.
@Jakub, thanks for the red color mix information 👍
2 25 February, 20:18

Thanks mates!
I finished the airbrush gun work and applied a layer of glossy varnish. Now, i´m ready for decals.
2 2 March, 18:45

Really great work, Jakube! Fantastic job with the painting and tonal layers of each shade.
2 March, 21:06

Great work so far. I like the paint job, but the decals bring her realy to life. I can't wait to see her finished. 👍
4 March, 07:00

A nice looking bird (that is not a euphemism or a double entendre) Jakub. 🤘🥸🤟
4 March, 21:47

Thank you, Mr D! Riveting is not my work. This kit is comletely riveted by the producer
1 5 March, 09:38

It's really fascinating to see how this model is developing, step by step. What strikes me is that you just can't tell that this is a 1/72 scale model, even when you zoom in with the camera., also considering that the ME-109 is a small aircraft in real life. It is just flawless and made with very great care. Should I be told that this is a 1/32 I would have no doubt that it is. Great work!
1 10 March, 14:43

Thank you very much, mates, for your kind comments!
Lukasz, i was definitely more drunk then brave when i was overspraying decals 😄 Of course, i screw it up, so it took two evenings to fix it 😄
1 11 March, 19:57

Jakube, it looks really great!
And if I didn't know it is in 1/72, I'd bet it's in 1/48.
1 12 March, 04:39

That is what I call beautiful painting! And a very clean and neat build too.
1 15 March, 14:17