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Thread gestartet von El Jevi

Juan M Leria
On the other hand, do you think it's necessary split 'ESCI' and 'ESCI/ERTL'? It's like Italaerei and Italeri.
And the same for 'Heller' and 'Heller/Humbrol'
Mirage F1CR
9062 1988 Neue Bauteile
22 November 2012, 16:58
Juan M Leria Autor
And 'Esci-Scalecraft'
 22 November 2012, 16:59
Dimitris P.K.
ESCI/ERTL is different company than "plain" ESCI. Same with AMT/ERTL etc.
This is ESCI's AB-205 when they were solo: AB-205 Transport (ESCI 9005, 1:72)
The same kit, reboxed, after take over by ERTL: AB-205 (ESCI/ERTL 9005, 1:72)


ERTL kept ESCI's name, due to marketing reasons especially in Europe
 22 November 2012, 18:47
Juan M Leria Autor
In fact, no.
The full ESCI company was purchased by AMT/ERTL, but ESCI was held as a separate entity in Italy, with the original Italian personnel remaining on board. The change in name just reflects the new ownership.
Take this other: Matchbox was not a company, but a brand property of Lesney Group. In the early 90s thet sold the plastic kits range to Revell, with the right to use the brand for 10-15 years. So, all Matchbox black boxes are in fact Revell kits. Should we open a company named 'Matchbox-Revell'?
 22 November 2012, 21:15
Dimitris P.K.
The idea actually is, what you read on the box, and not the company's corporate name, or whose mould is in the box in question (eg. Italeri's Frcce Tricollori 3-1(1297), with Revell's, Supermodel's and Academy/Fujimi's kits in the box...)
We all know that moulds are sold to other companies, thus the "Rebox" option.
There was never a "Matchbox-Revell" box in the market and nothing to suggest that.
For a database, different box or even a "0" in front of a code, is a completely different kit. (example, some of Revell's kits)
Also, think of the collectors. With my previous example, there are two completely different kits. If the 2 names merge, just one will remain, taking over the other. That's not fair.
My opinion, every box, is whatever it states it is. Then, option to note which one's mold it is.
 22 November 2012, 22:47
Juan M Leria Autor
Well, that's another, different, argument.
This would also apply to 'Italaerei' and 'Italeri', but when I asked why they were together the answer was 'It's the same company, anyway'.
There's no trouble in merging in one company, both kits will maintain its place. See these:
Heinkel He 111H6 (Italeri 121, 1:72)
Heinkel He 111H6 (Italeri 121, 1:72)
They look the same except for some information printed in the box side, no one take over the other.
Based on what's printed on the box, should we open another company named 'ESCI/Soldat'?
pz. kpfw. IV H (Soldat 8023, 1:72)
Or 'Revell-Italaerei'?
Gotha Go 242/244 (Revell/Italaerei H-2006, 1:72)
Or 'Revell-ESCI'? Other kits include the ESCI logo.
Jagdpanzer IV (Revell/ESCI H2311, 1:72)
Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot A (Italeri 089, 1:72)
Iljushin Il-28 "Beagle" (Italeri 060, 1:72)
I think this is an unnecessary complication. And, moreover, there are already many models within 'ESCI', we would need to go over everything and change one by one.
My opinion, if a company rebox other's tooling, include it in that company, the lineage is established in the timeline. If a box includes the name of just a distributor (Soldat, Scalecraft, Polistil, Hales...) or a change in name's company ('Fujimi' was 'Fujimi-Mokei' formerly) keep just the 'mother' company.
Let's fair with ourselves, keep it simple.

 23 November 2012, 10:22
Mike Pullen
Some Heller kits were boxed as pure Humbrol, no mention of Heller except perhaps somewhere in small writing.
I'd feel HellerHumbrol were seperate from Heller, it's 2 companies merging to release a kit.
I'll admit it seems complicated but thats companies for you.
 23 November 2012, 11:14
Mike Pullen
Kovozavody Semily becane Vista but they're listed seperately. I think Italaerei and Italeri were bundled together because of the very closeness of company name
 23 November 2012, 11:17
Günther Debiscop
This is for several companies like that, some "merged", other had a name change. As a collectors point of view, it is really interesting to know howmany versions (of a box) existed. You can merge the companies, but please keep the entries. Sometimes there is more to it than just the addition of another name. Sometimes (but mostly not) even the manual was a bit changed. I for one want to collect all F-16/F-2 related boxes, so it would be nice for me to find a scalemodelling db that includes them (neraly) all.
 23 November 2012, 11:27
Juan M Leria Autor
The name 'Heller/Humbrol' reflected a change in overall ownership, but soon later (3-5 years) come back to 'Heller' alone. I think it's not interesting for us to open a 'Heller/Humbrol' company.
But 'Humbrol' alone released kits from other companies too, so it should have its own place.
I agree about the second comment.
The question it isn't about the inclusion or not, but 'How to classify' them. We must include all we could (if space available)
 23 November 2012, 11:52
Burkhard D
Let's be pragmatic, there is no 'perfect' solution.
Italeri and Italaerei go together very well, because they share the same catalogue numbers. Take Revell-Italeri kits: If the catalogue number is "H-xxx" it obviously fits into the Revell line, if it is something else it goes under the Italeri label. Same for Minicraft-Hasegawa or Minicraft vs Academy-Minicraft. Let's just judge by how the few kits in question fit into 'our' product ID system here.
 23 November 2012, 13:14

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