Thread gestartet von 5by5

hat ein neues Fotoalbum hinzugefügt.
23 27 May 2021, 18:15

Thank you. It was a fun build, but definitely had more wheels than I ever care to deal with again. 🙂
29 May 2021, 04:13

Each one of the wheels is a beauty! As is the whole build of course! You did a very good job and I would like to see more pictures. 👍
29 May 2021, 08:55

Thanks! A masterpiece indeed. Great care and dedication on this impressive build!
30 May 2021, 09:13

All the brake and suspension air lines are doing my head in. Is there a better way or order to install them rather than the way on the instructions?
3 August 2024, 21:56

I used lead wire instead of the kit vinyl tubing. That alone made it much easier to position. Instead of trying to actually run hoses through tight places where they pass out of sight and then reappear (i.e. the oval plate where two hoses pass through on each bogie), install the plates first, and then simply run the lead wire hose up to the plate on each side. This gives the appearance that the hose is one continuous piece. And eliminates the hassle making the hose fit behind the plate.
4 August 2024, 08:01