Phantom FGR.2
Photo 1 of 60
48 29 August 2023, 16:14

I know the sene could not be real (that lynx version is way to new for the FGR.2) but the model is ever so nice, picture perfect
29 August 2023, 16:43

That's right, the two don't belong in the same era. In my model building world, all decades come together. (And I didn't have a better background 😉 )
Thank You for Your feedback!
29 August 2023, 17:15

I thought it was a reference photo when I first looked at it! Great build!
29 August 2023, 17:40

Wow. You've done a bloody good job of this FGR. The rear end stands out for me. Exceptional work.
29 August 2023, 20:22

Thank you very much for your comments, I really appreciate it!
31 August 2023, 22:22

Very nice work Andreas. Love the worn paint work look.
Jan - It's a Wildcat in the background.
1 September 2023, 06:16

Fantastic job on this one! Brings back good memories from the 80s and 90s. The paintjob is one of the best I`ve seen, with just the right weathering to my taste.
1 September 2023, 07:08

You caught me with your first shot. Thought this to be the original. Top paint job and convincing weathering - even more so as the monochrome gray is a challenge to master convincingly.
1 September 2023, 12:21

I didn't expect so many positive comments, you just surprised me. Thank you very much for that! This motivates me for the next project 😉
1 September 2023, 14:29

As other mates commented earlier, at first glance it looks like photography of a real plane!
Congrats! I'm looking forward for your next project!
3 September 2023, 19:04

Hello Giorgos, thank you very much! It's a huge compliment to me if the model looks like the original to you! My next project is in preparation, I will post it here on scalemates 😉
4 September 2023, 13:44

Completely fooled me, didn't realise the teaser was the model with a background, thought it was real !
17 December 2023, 11:47

Vjekoslav and Jos, phank You very much for your comments!
I Love those british Phantoms too!
Hey David, that's the best compliment you can pay a modeler, thank you very much!
17 December 2023, 19:41

that is a master piece, and the pictures look just reference fotos. top work!!
17 December 2023, 20:09
Album info
The british Phantom