Revell Lanc
4 27 February 2013, 19:52

Hey Mike. You did a great job. I like the smooth look of the camouflage. The Cockpit details are great! It's a very nice "Lancaster" it has inspired me for my (next?) 72 "Halifax" project ...
28 February 2013, 00:00

Your welcome!
Its he new Revell kit. It looks pretty good so far (New tool) ...
28 February 2013, 00:14

I like the way you masked and painted the camo colors. Kit looks like it could fly! Thanks for sharing your outstanding work and motivating the rest of us.
28 February 2013, 06:19

Hi Mike, I love the nose art, great job you did on this one, why do you chance the props en wheels? are these not correct ore are these from airfix better detailed?
Greetz Phil
28 February 2013, 07:23

Hello Mike,
Great Lancaster, looks very realistic as if it had been a few missions since 🙂
28 February 2013, 07:32

Nice job on this Lancaster, I love the bomb bay.....cheers Pierre.
28 February 2013, 08:42

Thanks again for taking the time to look and comment, I appreciate it. @Philip, the Revell wheels are not well detailed and have an inaccurate section, the Airfix wheels (including tail-wheel) are much better. The Revell props are OK but need the blades thinning considerably- since I had the Airfix spares and they were pretty nice I used them.
28 February 2013, 14:01

Thanks Mike for the responce, I'll keep it in mind😉
Greetz Phil
28 February 2013, 15:46

I think it needs more bombs!!!! Great job on this bomber Mike!!
28 February 2013, 16:04

Oh my, this is one of those "I can't believe it's 1/72" projects... I've been toying with the idea of pulling this one out of the attic, but I can see the bar is pretty high!
20 June 2013, 19:51

Just wondering what kind of printer you used to print the nose art?
21 June 2013, 14:05

Wow, how could I overlook that. What a wonderful job you did, Mike! Congratulations!
21 June 2013, 14:35

Excellent work as usual, Mike! I have this in the stash along with some Eduard PE. I'm going to attempt the "Brett Green" fix to the outer wing dihedral issue. Wish me luck! 🙂
21 June 2013, 14:54

And (kicking myself for forgetting) what a s*xy lanc, love the soft edges on the camo and lead trails on the wings
21 June 2013, 15:11

Wim's comment makes me wonder if any British Commonwealth aircraft ever had a S*XY code... 🙂
21 June 2013, 20:03

👍 (off topic:that was my Ipad's autocorrect...but I liked it so I kept it)
21 June 2013, 20:07

Hi Mike, very well done! On of the best Lancaster i ever saw, you have done a amazing work on it!
This is the kind of work that make us opening the boxes and start building kits.
22 June 2013, 14:44

I have to agree with Vitor, here, Mike. Superlative work. A standard for which to aspire.
22 June 2013, 23:06

Could you please explain about the white painted area under the cowgirl's decal? Did you paint it or it is decal too?
22 June 2013, 23:10

Thanks again for all your kind comments 🙂
@Es-haq The decals were home-made on an ALPS-printer, which is able to print white. I was afraid that the pin-up girl decal would be too thin and that the black camp might show through so I made an additional white patch to ensure opacity.
24 June 2013, 13:49

love it Mike....pretty slick on that decal, now you got me thinking......
24 June 2013, 13:54

Stunning work! (esp. at 1/72) Are the instruments decals too, or did you paint them?
24 June 2013, 14:43

@Andrew The instruments are all decals from the kit decal sheet.
24 June 2013, 16:43

Bombs! The bombs! The... How did you, sir, paint those bombs, please?
9 June 2015, 07:25

Outstanding - I wish mine would look the same, but it's still in its box 🙂
9 June 2015, 10:02

Not an easy subject to "Get right", but this is an exception. A most impressive model Mike, most impressive. 🙂
9 June 2015, 10:40

Quite nice Lanc, Mike . . .
just kidding, it's a masterpiece! Congrats!👍 The bombs are my personal highlights, just like Pavel.
10 June 2015, 05:19

Mike, Really impressive and realistic work. All we need is a volunteer crew and the old Revell Modelers Club DRG to get her in the air!
11 June 2015, 11:49
Album info
Really nice kit from Revell at a great price, but not without its issues. I had a few problems with the engine nacelle-to-wing fit, and I replaced the kit wheels and prop blades from an Airfix Lanc. Decals are Xtradecal except for the nose art which I made myself.