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2 28 February 2013, 19:24

Thunderbirds are go!!! anything could happen in the next scalemates session, wow! Mike thats brilliant... Ferrari flies...👍8)👍
28 February 2013, 19:34

Lol Steve.... brilliant idea Mike for the runway. At first look I thought that it would be a camera gimmick 🙂
28 February 2013, 19:38

Totally agree Mike, Stefan, that runway really gives you the feeling of movement. F-A-B Virgil.
28 February 2013, 19:47

Thanks guys. Tim, I created the artwork for the runway on my computer then took it into Photoshop, where I applied lots of motion blur. It was then output on an inkjet printer and glued to the wooden base.
1 March 2013, 00:32

Holy smoke. How cool is that. You realy got the feeling that it's flying. Mike how many more models do you have? You keep them coming.😉
1 March 2013, 10:55

This idea of yours got me thinking, this could also work for 1/43 racing cars.... 🙂
2 March 2013, 16:17