Bf 110 IP, 1:4, Eduard
28 March 2013, 17:42

Thanks for the pics and BRAVO!!!
Great build and very nice and smooth weathering.
I also have the BF-109 instrument panel: superb kit and really well depicted visor;)
28 March 2013, 18:05

Brilliant Jim.
Are you building the BF-110 IP, to put it in???...
Just joking, no-ones workbench is that big😄😄😄
28 March 2013, 18:20

I can tell you that I've almost finished the Bf 109 panel, so I'll post that up here when done too.
28 March 2013, 20:22
Album info
Here's the Eduard release, built OOP, and weathered with graphite powder and Prismacolor silver pencil.