HMS Montgomery
1 September 2013, 12:52

Love the dazzle paint...but the sheer lack of size of those parts would drive me nuts I'm afraid
1 September 2013, 18:12

Thanx for looking at it and for your very kind comments! @Wim, don't worry about the size it get still smaller😉
1 September 2013, 19:02

Nice work there 👍
Never seen a roll of TP as a backdrop for model photography😉 😄
1 September 2013, 20:00

Thanx! Well Burkhard it is good to be allways well prepared😢
1 September 2013, 20:09

What, another great little project by Christian: I couldn't miss it! 🙂
2 September 2013, 16:56

Hi Aghis, thanx for your kind comment! Long time no hear, hope you are well mate!
2 September 2013, 17:05

Next to my other builds I made some progress on my display form y WEM HMS Montgomery. The basic shape for the quayside and some buildings is done. That allows me to check out the main layout. Next is to finish the basic work and to start detailing the buildings. I also want to go back to the ship model soon. Comments are welcome. Cheers, Christian
8 December 2013, 17:46

Great project Christian. And a nice camouflage pattern. better than simply gray 👍
8 December 2013, 19:20

Thanx Martien. Yep, there are some nice patterns with the RN. I really like the Western Approaches schemes. Cheers, Christian
8 December 2013, 19:28

Jumping between some projects I?m back on this. I start detailing the warehouses after the basic work is done on them. I add 0,3x0,8mm flat styrene to simulate the wooden framework, the open areas will be closed by some doors. The track for the rolling doors is still visible above the openings. A loading ramp run along the larger warehouse. A truck and one of the excellent North Star figures show the size of the building. Some more details will follow as soon as possible.
I will now close the model yard for the next days and well I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happy Modeling, Christian
22 December 2013, 17:09

One warehouse is nearly finished. The two others need some attention to glue all the small stripes, simulating the wooden planking, in place. To come forward with the Montgomery I just add the third camo pattern on starboard bow and on the four stacks ? MS2 Neutral Grey. I only have MS1 ? Dark Sea Blue on starboard to apply. I will do this until the MS2 is complete dry. Cheers, Christian
29 December 2013, 12:21

Christian, I´m so jealous about your scratchbuilding abilities especially the warehouses...
29 December 2013, 13:12

Mathias and Sven, thanx for your interest and kind comments. @Sven, a kind word from the master of scratch building (just thought about your sailing ship)😉
29 December 2013, 13:24

Thanx Aghis, the smaller ones are still in progress, may I finish them till the end of the week. Cheers, Christian
30 December 2013, 11:55

Yippee, I brushed the last camo pattern today. Now the boat is ready to start to paint the deck, add the pennant no. and start with the weathering. This is a really unique camo scheme, even for the RN! Cheers, Christian
2 January 2014, 18:24

The main paint job on Montgomery is finished now. Yesterday I hand paint the decks with different shades of Vallejo Acrylics grey. I used a shade of brown and red to show the Corticene, a special coating, you can see at the open bridge. There is one small area of white to correct on starboard. When this is finished, next steps, weathering! Montgomery?s camo scheme in four different colors looks spectacular. I never thought before that it will look so nice. Hope you like it too! Cheers, Christian
5 January 2014, 13:03

The last weekend I build the TID tug and during the week I paint the small boats. Today I had some time to brush the base and the tug. There is some more progress with the trucks and the quayside, but no photos at the moment. I will post them later. Contrary to my first TID tug I paint this one in 507C light grey. The small boats are a bit more colorful, that should look quite nice next to all grey?s and green?s.
18 January 2014, 17:56

Another stunner, Christian!
I´m as always deeply awed by your meticulous and painstaking approach, my favorite is the image with all the components laid out, it shows the tremendous amount of work and dedication invested here. The ship´s boats look excellent - Admiralty Modelworks?
18 January 2014, 18:01

Hi Tim, hi Frank, thank you very much for your very kind comment. Yep, the motor boats are Admiralty Modelworks. I really like the even though they are much expensive. Hopefully I will have more progress until February😉 Cheers, Christian
18 January 2014, 18:16

Absolutely stunning!!!
I like all those lil details!
I know only a handful of guys making skilful models in that scale, and you are in each case one of them!!
19 January 2014, 12:58

Hi Dirk, thank you very much for your very kind comment. This is much appreciated because it is given by an excellent model maker. Hope to look at some of your new models in Heiden in March! Cheers, Christian.
19 January 2014, 13:44

The base color is applied on the TID tug by hand painting decks and small details. The last part for Montgomery is also finished with its base color. The forward funnel got is funnel band in black and red. Next to this I start painting all the accessories like cars and truck. As an example some photos of the Morris, Ford Sedan staff car and Ford Canada F60L truck. They are all L?Arsenal and they?re really excellent kits. Next I will paint the quayside and the warehouses. Cheers, Christian
25 January 2014, 16:20

Me too Aghis. May you remember I used GHQ vehicles in scale 1/285 for some of my older displays but now L'Arsenal closed a gap fpr scale 1/350 modelers. They have a wide range of vehicles in their programm now.
25 January 2014, 17:46

Thanx Mathias!
Today some progress with the quayside. I add a row of round styrene to simulate wooden supports. On top of the quay a row of square styrene simulate border stones. The road will be made of a coated cobblestone road out of railway accessories. The quayside is air and paint brushed with its basic colors. The ambulance still got its red crosses. Well now more or less all expect the warehouses is ready for a coat of weathering. Cheers, Christian
26 January 2014, 15:09

Looking at these images is pure modeling delight. I got to look into these vehicles for one of my next projects, too.
Looking forward to seeing the model for real,
28 January 2014, 18:58

Mal wieder eine Augenweide, Christian! Großer Respekt auch für das Bautempo ("Hab den Progress zurückverfolgt"😢.
31 January 2014, 20:01

Bernhard, Wim, Danke für die Blumen. Tja der Tilly ist schon niedlich. Naja, Bautempo und Respekt, ich baue jetzt seit drei Jahren mit Unterbrechungen an dem Kahn😉
For me, one of the most interesting subject in modelmaking ? the weathering ? is nearly done on Montgomery. I worked on this since Thursday evening. It is finished now and I start adding all the small parts to the hull. The aft section is finished with the DC arrangement, as well as the aft deckhouse with its aft wheel stand covered with a canvas top and its 4? gun. The photos show some scratches here and there, reminds me always to the scale😉 Hope you like it so far, Cheers, Christian
1 February 2014, 15:22

The lifeboats and rafts are detailed and fit to place aboard the ship. I also fit the small towers for the aft 20mm Oerlikon and the four stacks in place. Most of the aft section is finished and now I can look forward😉 Cheers, Christian
3 February 2014, 19:05

Amazing detail on those small ships. My eyes hurt just looking at them 🙂 Very nice!
3 February 2014, 19:11

Hi Jan, thank you for looking at this and for your kind comment. Cheers, Christian
3 February 2014, 19:59

Next to the ship the quayside is a main part of the diorama. As I published before the main part was made of styrene. Now it is painted and weathered and the cobblestone road, a self adhesive railroad accessory is fitted to its place. I cut this to five pieces and add some 0,8mm flat styrene to simulate a wooden planking between the sections. The vehicles and boats are finished as well and today I gave the warehouses a first coat of basic paint. Next to this the water base got its first high gloss coat as well. Looking forward to some detail work before I will start with the figures. Hope you like it, comments are welcome. Cheers, Christian
9 February 2014, 15:37

Attention to detail is excellent. Looking forward to seeing project as it progresses.
9 February 2014, 22:34

Most convincing, the pavement lends additional appeal to the composition!
10 February 2014, 05:25

That is wonderful Christian. You never fail to amaze me with your compositions!!!
10 February 2014, 17:04

Hello Christian. I am just starting to follow your album and am amazed at the work you have done. Incredible amount of patience and skill to model all those components in 1/350 scale. A great way to bring a bring to life a ship model!
10 February 2014, 18:20

I?m glad you like it and follow it with interest. It is a pleasure to share my progress on this little diorama with you all ? thanx mates!! Cheers, Christian
10 February 2014, 18:36

Thank you John!
Slow but steady the whole build now come to its end. Quayside is finished and need only some small stuff like boxes, drums etc. On board the OOW, the helmsman and three sailors are now placed inside the closed bridge to control the boats berthing. Oerlikons and 0,5 cal. guns are now attached to the middle deck as well as some more small parts all along the boat. Finally, but only for a first photo shooting the upper bridge and the main mast are fixed to its place.
I?m really confident with the result so far. Hope you like it too!
Cheers, Christian
18 February 2014, 19:32

To bring life to a diorama accessories, figures etc. are necessary, even in scale 1/350. Luckily there is some stuff available, L?Arsenals product line contains vehicles, drums, barrels crates and boxes in my favorite scale as well as figures. New on the market with figures in very realistic poses is the Latvia Company North Star Models. I use first figures from different set and I?m very confident with these tiny little sailors. All the rest, in this case bollards and street lanterns are scratch made.
I just paint all the parts with a first coat of paint and start detail painting on the figures. Some 14 workers are nearly finished, some 70 sailors are still waiting!
Cheers, Christian
24 February 2014, 19:03

You forgot to paint the eye-balls, Christian!😉😉😉
👍 That's insane in a fantastic way! They don't look like 1:350! Great job 👍
24 February 2014, 19:50

Das geht jetzt nur auf deutsch:
😮 😮 😮
24 February 2014, 19:58

Danke! Schau mal hier Mathias:
24 February 2014, 20:05

Nicht die Figuren, sondern Deine Lackierarbeit an den Winzlingen...
Nu stell mal nicht Dein Licht unter den Scheffel😉
24 February 2014, 20:55

Hi Chris, bei den Figuren bin ich sprachlos 🙂🙂. Kannst Du sie morgen mitbringen? Grüße Stefan
25 February 2014, 08:22

That is something of the most incredible thinsk i ever saw!!!!
Congratulation 😄
25 February 2014, 11:36

Holy Moly I'm well pleased by all your very kind comments, thank you very much! @Aghis, first I add a coat of basic color by airbrushing the figures. I use intermediate blue for the sailors and a light brown for the dock workers. The rest is hand painting with a fine brush size 00 and a lot of patience🙂
25 February 2014, 19:43

Long time no hear, but I missed repose and patience to go on with my tiny bits and pieces due to a lot of work to do in the office. Not over yet but I start to come back to business with the following result. I fixed the quayside to the base and add all the vehicles, small parts and figures to the quayside. I'm quite satisfied with the result and hope the tiny sailors feel well in their sceneries😉
Next is rigging, a job I did not really like;-( Cross the fingers that it will turn out right.
Cheers, Christian
13 April 2014, 09:24

Hi Christian, fantastic display, you have the skills of a master craftsman.
13 April 2014, 09:59

It´s getting better and better.
Can´t wait to see it at Wilnsdorf 😄
13 April 2014, 10:00

As I said previously this thread, I know only a handful modeller with skills like yours realising models in this scale.
13 April 2014, 11:08

Hi Christian...
I've followed your build since the beginning with extreme interest, picking up building, diorama and painting technique's, a lot of which I can use in my own builds...
The final outcome is astounding my friend, very well done, I love it👍8)👍
13 April 2014, 11:39

Hi all, thank you very much for all your interest and very kind comments on this. I'm really glad you like it! Cheers, Christian
13 April 2014, 12:44

Reminds me of 'My Little Navy' at SMW 2013 Telford - just lovely.
13 April 2014, 17:32

Hi Chris, super !!!!!!! ist es den in Siegen zu sehen. Viele Grüße Stefan
14 April 2014, 11:30

Great and living scenery! Superbly executed! There are always some new details to detect! Well done, Christian!
14 April 2014, 11:44

Many many Tanks mates. All your kind commemts make it really worth!
@Stefan, I try to finish it till the Siegen Show.
Cheers, Christian
14 April 2014, 16:39

I just revisited the photos and have to say this is modeling of the highest order, in all respects - most impressive!
Congrats from
21 April 2014, 06:46

Thank you very much indeed my friend. Your very kind compliment is much appreciated. Cheers, Christian
21 April 2014, 08:34

Christian - Could you please post the paints or paint mixes you used on Montgomery? Fantastic work. Congratulations. Dimi
25 April 2014, 19:43

I have no idea how you painted this small figures...thats an incredible work, awesome!!!
25 April 2014, 20:03

Many thanx for your kind commemts Dimi, Anthony and Christian! @Dimi, I used the Colorcoats paint (enamel) out of White Ensign Models programm. Ceck the link:
Here you find the kits profil with paint and color information. The WEM CC followed by a no. is the paint code. You can order the colors directly at White Ensign Models.
For all the rest I used different Vallejo Air and Vallejo Color in shades of brown, grey, green etc. Cheers, Christian
26 April 2014, 07:37

For me one of the most unpopular jobs in ship modeling is done – rigging. I tried it the first time with Rigg That Thing and used Revell's Contacta Professional to glue the rig. Next the whole scenery is finished. I let it now set for a couple of days before I fix the ship immovable to the base. I'm quite satisfied with the final result of the rig even I do not like doing that! Cheers, Christian
15 June 2014, 12:40

I love dioramas like this, and what patience and accuracy of hand to paint and model at such a small scale, the figures especially at only 5mm's tall are impressive !!
I am somewhat awe struck by this 🙂
15 June 2014, 13:41

I thought it was in 1:72nd scale when I first saw it but it is in 1:350th !!!!
15 June 2014, 17:44

Hi ya all, just overwhelmed by your very kind and much appreciated feedbacks - Thx a lot mates!
Cheers, Christian
15 June 2014, 19:02

Boat arrived safe in harbor – finished this long tale today. Just pure fun building the boat and diorama. I learned a lot of scratch building techniques while working on the buildings. I'm really happy about the final result. Hope you like it too!
Cheers, Christian
27 July 2014, 14:00

Congratulations Christian.
Something to be proud of! I would love to see it live, from what i see here it looks amazing, i like it very much 😄
27 July 2014, 14:19

Thank you Philip and Vitor!
@Vitor, may we meet some day personally. Would be a great pleasure!
27 July 2014, 14:25

Looks awesone good 👍 👍
And it was fun to follow.
I hope to see it next year at Wilnsdorf. 🙂
27 July 2014, 14:32

Absolutely phantastic Christian! I wish I could built ships like you. But one cannot have everything in life.
27 July 2014, 15:49

Hi ya all, thank you very much for your interest and very kind comments. I'm glad you like it!
@Sven, can't believe you like the Tug Boat😉 By the way, what is about Norderney?
27 July 2014, 17:00

What should I write here, Christian. This is amazing ..... a beautiful master piece.
Here you can be proud of
27 July 2014, 17:45 ist ja eigentlich schade dass man im fertigen Zustand nicht sieht was da eigentlich an Arbeit drin steckt!😢
Ist jetzt hier nicht der Fall aber nutzt Du immer Zigarettenpapier für Sonnensegel etc?
27 July 2014, 17:53

Thank you Martien and Holger.
@Holger, Zigarettenpapier habe ich bisher noch nicht verwendet. Kleinere Flächen lassen sich gut mittels Überzug aus Weissleim darstellen. Das nutze ich auch für die Darstellung von der Persenning an Reling etc. VG Christian
27 July 2014, 18:28

...hmmm, dann hab ich das wohl bei Frank Spahr gesehen...
Ich hab mir schon nen Vorrat an Ponal organisiert, wird ja nicht schlecht und kann man immer mal brauchen!😢
Danke für den Tipp, Christian!
(Verdammt, ich hab mich grad am Tisch festgeklebt...)
27 July 2014, 18:34

Sehr sehr feine Arbeit! Sieht absolut fantastisch aus! Lg Christian
27 July 2014, 18:45

Wieder los vom Tisch😉
27 July 2014, 18:45

Magnificent work Christian, thanks for sharing the progress photos with us. What an inspiration, love it.
28 July 2014, 03:33

Christian, Christian, Bill and Stefan, thank you very much for your kind comments. I'm just overwhelmed by all your kind feedbacks! This all reward the hours I spent on my project!
@Stefan, yep I plan to be there!
28 July 2014, 15:24

Hi Christian
It would be a pleasure for sure, please let me know one day you visit Lisbon 😉
2 August 2014, 22:03

I have only 1 word for this: wooooow!!! thanks for the good advies. 🙂
29 August 2016, 17:33

the 20mm guns of my bismarck are placed just under the top radar above the admiral's bridge! the picture follows. 😉
29 August 2016, 19:17

i fond a picture! look at my new album. its the picture with the two circels, look above the circels. 🙂
29 August 2016, 19:41

Entschuldigung Christian, es sollte 'Wunderschön!' sein. Niederländisches Handy.... 😉
30 August 2016, 13:37
Album info
I have started the project for three years ago and made only less progress but step by step. I have been of the project for a while, but restart it today airbrushing the third coat of paint, MS2 a RN Color in a middle grey tone. I first paint the port side pattern. Because you will need some time and patience to mask the camo pattern and I will be sure the port side color is already dry I will wait before I start the starboard pattern.