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Filip Jereczek (ModelMakerPL)

MiG0-29 1 Fighter Squadron "City of Warsaw" no 115

Photo 1 of 13


11 October 2013, 11:23
Filip Jereczek Autor
It was supposed to be a quick project, but unfortunately, the model requires a lot of work. I started work on the hull, but can not avoid putty 🙂
 11 October 2013, 11:32
Es-haq Khosravi
Looking for the rest!
 11 October 2013, 12:38
Filip Jereczek Autor
Still a long way to go.
By the way, I want to try the method of painting the cockpit, I once saw. Painting the whole cockpit pasted into the hull, we'll see how it goes.
 11 October 2013, 12:51
Filip Jereczek Autor
Hi. Now it's looks like something like MiG-29... 😉 Exhaust will be from Aires, bicouse those of the Academy are tragic.
 10 November 2013, 08:13
Przemyslaw Sroczynski
Hejka. Mam taki sam pomys?, b?d? ogl?da? z ciekawo?ci?. Good luck.
 10 November 2013, 08:40
Przemyslaw Sroczynski
oops. polskie znaki😉
 10 November 2013, 08:40
Filip Jereczek Autor
Tyle tych kalek narobilem, ze wypada w koncu co?w nie ubra?😉
 10 November 2013, 09:10
Barry Lloyd
Still, we wouldn't want these projects to be too easy would we!
 10 November 2013, 13:41
Mohammad Adl
 10 November 2013, 15:56
Filip Jereczek Autor
Almost ready to paint. Tried on a landing gear.
 12 November 2013, 07:46
Filip Jereczek Autor
Hi mates, little actualization. 🙂
 8 December 2013, 07:09
Burkhard D
"It was supposed to be a quick project, but unfortunately, the model requires a lot of work." Thats sounds soooo familiar to me 😄
 8 December 2013, 09:44
Clifford Keesler
Isn't that the way it always goes.
 8 December 2013, 16:59
Filip Jereczek Autor
Good point 😉
 9 December 2013, 14:19
Filip Jereczek Autor
Hi mates, like a Phoenix from the ashes 🙂
 30 June 2014, 04:44

Album info

It was supposed to be a quick project, but unfortunately, the model requires a lot of work.

13 Bilder
1:48 MiG-29 in Polish service vol.1 (ModelMaker D48002)1:48 MiG-29A Fulcrum A (Academy 2116)

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