Airship scratch
3 15 October 2014, 21:07

Looks great so far! 👍 I do also one, but in scale 1/72. I like this airship concepts from Ian McQue!
Will you make a dio?
16 October 2014, 06:48

Thank you Harry, I think about an dio. Maybe a piece of a air house or an air-kitchen. I do not know it exactly yet.
16 October 2014, 08:27

Ilove these airship concepts and there diesel / steampunky look ! Defenitely going to keep an eye on this project of yours. Especially the screw - on- caps at the stern are a brillant idea !
16 October 2014, 09:04

@Holgi: Yes my dear 🙂 Dem wurde aber der Hintern abgesägt 😉
6 November 2014, 10:13

Thanks Harry, next time you can see the color (I hope it...)
6 November 2014, 10:16

What an imagination you have my friend, and it's all just amazing to look at. Lost for words. !!! :-O
12 November 2014, 20:15

I've added a few pictures of the captain's cabin. Not ready yet, but well on the way. The right side is just painted by the crew.... 🙂
22 November 2014, 00:43

Two little progress pictures. The front wings are painted. Next, I make the hull finished.
2 December 2014, 22:41

Genius, pure genius, and your imagination people can only dream of having one like it.
Amazing from front to back. 🙂
3 December 2014, 01:09

Jonns, your talent is needed else were, like in the film industry or a museum.
I love your work mate.
I would think I had reached the pinnacle of my hobby if I was to work at the Australian War Museum in Canberra. 🙂
3 December 2014, 10:45

Thanks Kerry, yes that would be a great place to work. Especially because I just lose my job anyway. 😭
Thank you Mike, I am glad that you like it.
4 December 2014, 07:37

Jonns, Put together a portfolio on disk of your models , create a top CV and go and talk with someone who does architectural modelling, put in a resume to your local museum or promote models hand built/made for sale, or even the film industry.
You never know what may happen.
Create your own world like you do with your models.
Just a thought mate 🙂
4 December 2014, 08:01

the small potato crane - prototype or finished already? - let's see, don't know 😉
12 December 2014, 09:36

Amazing in every possible way ! Allthis great scratchbuilding and perfect weathering looks exactly like the "real thing " on these pictures
I've seen.
4 March 2015, 05:46

I would gladly live on just potatoes if it meant they were going to always be delivered by your masterpiece.
Just brilliant mate !!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
4 March 2015, 06:33

Thanks you mates. Now starts the detailpainting of the hull and the weathering... 😉
4 March 2015, 07:26

Thank you mates! Last Wip-pics. What's missing: Captain figure, the sitter gets more color, the tarpaulin also gets more color, more details, more detail painting and here and there a drybrush. Ropes come on it and any flags.
9 March 2015, 20:26

What will this beauty eventually end up as ?
Is it to be used in a movie or advertisement or is it to take front and center in your display case.
All that work is just stunning and so creative.
wonderful Jonns. 🙂
10 March 2015, 20:32

Thank you mates 🙂 As what will it end? As a potato tug of course 😉 it still gets a nice base, either in height or above the water, I'm still thinking about. here a fast fun pic [img1]
10 March 2015, 20:58

No matter where it ends up mate, it will always be a build you will never forget. :-0
10 March 2015, 21:23

Was für ein schönes Scratchbau Projekt ! Sieht super aus, Dein " fliegender Kartoffeldampfer" !;)
11 March 2015, 13:04

Thanks @all! Yes Kerry, it's a great process, to build with pure fantasy! (and of course with a lot of superglue 😉 )
11 March 2015, 13:53

Spud is an English slang word for potatoes 🙂
as well as being a slang word for testicles or genitalia and to tug your spuds is a euphemism of something one usually does by ones self, just in case you didn't know 🙂
Kerry did you just make a rude joke ? 😉 😄 not that I mind 🙂
11 March 2015, 15:50

Choppa, You are full of surprises mate and I never knew that the word 'spud' had so many meanings, and No No No, I was not making a rude joke. 🙂
Spuds are just that, spuds. here in Oz "sputato" too. ((🙂))
11 March 2015, 18:18

are we sure Kerry ?
as Shakespeare once said, I thinketh he protesteth to much 😄
Anyhow, I think it is healthy to have a somewhat irreverent sense of humour, stops one from taking oneself to seriously doesn't one, what what, spiffing 🙂
Shall we say you made a slightly rude joke inadvertently then ? haha 🙂
Anyhow, don't forget the Spud Guns...
Hey Gary, I thought jock straps were for protecting spuds not tugging them 😉
11 March 2015, 18:36

It's a flying spud tug !! can it PEEL off like Spitfires used to do in WW2 ? 😄
11 March 2015, 20:23

Sorry Choppa, no WW2! The brothers Paul have 2089 the gravity drive accidentally discovered when they tested a new elevator! 🙂
11 March 2015, 20:28

it was a joke, a play on the word PEEL, as in to peel a potato etc. 🙂
11 March 2015, 20:39

I can delete this after you have had a chuckle and sorry for taking up so much room on you album space Jonns. ;_0 But Seeing your all in the mood for a laff, I came across this little gem while researching a QANTAS aircraft.
After every flight, QANTAS pilots fill out a form, known as a 'gripe sheet' to tell mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics fix the problem, and then document their repairs on the form.
Here are some actual maintenance problems submitted by the pilots (marked with a 'P') and the solutions recorded (marked by an 'S') by maintenance engineers, who by the way have a sense of humour:
P: Left inside main tyre almost needs replacement.
S: Left inside main tyre almost replaced.
P: Test flight OK, auto-land very rough.
S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.
P: Something loose in cockpit.
S: Something tightened in cockpit.
P: Dead bugs on windshield.
S: Live bugs on back order.
P: Auto pilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent.
S: Can't reproduce problem on the ground.
P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
S: Evidence removed.
P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume set to more believable level.
P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
S: That's what friction locks are for.
P: IFF inoperative in OFF mode.
S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.
P: Suspect crack in windshield.
S: Suspect you're right.
P: Number 3 engine missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.
P: Aircraft handles funny.
S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right and be serious.
P: Target radar hums.
S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.
P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed in cockpit.
P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
S: Took hammer away from midget.
Cheers ((🙂))
12 March 2015, 01:30

yeah don't delete that Kerry, some good ones in there 😄
Kind reminds me of when me dad sent me off to go and get some stripey paint 🙂
12 March 2015, 02:16

LOL , good one ,Kerry ! 😄 . Choppa, did you bring a left handed screw driver as well ? 😄
12 March 2015, 07:54

Kerry!!! that's awesome, my favourite is:
P: Number 3 engine missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.
And my Dad sent me to get a bottle of INVISIBLE INK...🤔
12 March 2015, 08:09

As a trainee in german workshops you have to look for the Siemens air-hook 😉
12 March 2015, 09:00

At 15 I was a trainee photographer, my boss sent me out to get a...
35mm reflex expanding blow-up shutter barrier with blurred optional fish eye action😮
You should've seen the look on the assistants face in the Camera Wholesalers, I should've had my camera as it was a picture in its self!!! I was so naive😳
12 March 2015, 09:08

And Jonns mate I should've also mentioned, I love that build... Is that figure Morph???😄
12 March 2015, 09:12

haha, I am glad I am not the only one to have been suckered into a silly mission as a kid 😄
P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume set to more believable level. lol 🙂
12 March 2015, 11:42

I am pleased that we have all had a bit of a chuckle here for a change of pace, and all the silly things we all got caught out with when kids is such pleasant reading LOL. 🙂
I got caught with "Go out and get a long wait" or something like that. :-/
12 March 2015, 13:49

Back to topic babes, 99% finished, the pilot figure and some little work will finished after base build! 🙂
17 March 2015, 19:53

So, the potatoes will be delivered eh ? WELL, that is good news indeed mate, and I do apologise for getting off topic there, and I didn't want that to happen, sorry Jonns. 🙂
17 March 2015, 20:18

Your airship looks great Jonns! What comes next? Maybe a Firefly Class Freighter?!
17 March 2015, 20:51

thank you mates! Next? The skyscraper base comes next and a second flying vehicle: without tracks and made entirely of aluminum (Color 😄)
17 March 2015, 21:11

that last photo looks great ! it's like a still from a movie 🙂
You must feel pretty "Chipper" about it 😄
17 March 2015, 23:45

Words are something I don't have right now for what I am seeing, but I will try.
OK, It's only once in a while that something comes along that sits you right on your bum, and I am happy to let you know that I have some really bad bruising to my gluteus maximus right now, as this is absolutely, THE best creation I have ever seen in scale modelling Mr Jonns Pfeiffenberger. !!!
What a fantastic imagination you have mate.
I can only wonder what else is going on in that mind of yours, but no doubt, it will be something special.
I salute you Jonns. 🙂 🙂 🙂
18 March 2015, 00:28

Thank you really! Thank you for your beautiful words, especially Kerry. It was lots of fun to build the ship. I like it very much. During the construction can be well forget all the stress around. 🙂
I hope the base will as good as the ship. Stay tuned!
18 March 2015, 08:07

Love the outcome of this project, I have to say during it I had no idea what was going on but it's great. Looks like something out of Red Dwarf. Well done but I think it needs a spud gun.
18 March 2015, 08:39

Ben, I think that a spud gun is a great suggestion, but where would he put it ???? 🙂
18 March 2015, 10:22

Just to port of the spud crane. It pops up through the forward deck to the surprise of bothersome custom officials. Obviously a scratch built jobbie.
18 March 2015, 10:43

come on, every good spud tug needs a spud gun to protect its precious cargo from Potato Pirates
18 March 2015, 11:56

hmm, I bought this one, but I think it's a Little bit oversized... 😉
18 March 2015, 12:07

New whip pics. start to paint the pilot figure. The figure comes from industria mechanika
7 May 2015, 18:29

Is that a potato peeler he has in his hand Jonns. ? LOL 🙂
I really hope this model makes it into the "Fantasy Modelling" Hall of fame, and I still think it is the most fantastic model I have EVER seen.
7 May 2015, 23:00

I did not think along those lines, but now you mention it, It must be something else.
Thanks Ben. ;-/
8 May 2015, 00:19

thx Kerry & Ben! I don't know what you're talking, but you're right! 😉
8 May 2015, 06:00

Just having some play with words here with uncle Ben Jonns, all is good mate. 🙂
8 May 2015, 10:55

sodele, start the base with an watertank, like on New York houses. later today I'll show the newest Pictures...
20 May 2015, 11:18

This should be interesting Jonns, no doubt, we will all be totally blown away by it. 🙂
20 May 2015, 11:24

I hope you will!I need something that the ship can fly past. The Skyscraper fits perfect 😉
20 May 2015, 11:26

McDonalds Fly Thru !! love it 🙂
oh dear did I just do the catch phrase from their shitty advert ? sorry.....
23 May 2015, 17:47

I have just challenged McDonalds about their add showing people driving while drinking coffee, I said it looks as dangerous as using a mobile phone. :-/
23 May 2015, 19:14
Album info
Scratch project. Build a Airship like Ian McQue. An Potatotransport, early phase. Based on LSSC from Dragon. Real fun project 🙂