WIP - 9A52-2 Smerch
6 November 2015, 20:02

Not much to show so far as I'm also trying to finish MiG-23 (doing decals now so end is near).
I only glued 4 parts of Smerch - it will be a loooong build - model has more than 1200 parts.
6 November 2015, 20:42

Thanks Glenn.
Danumurthi - yes, it will be quite big. But it's a real pleasure to build it. I haven't got so much fun for a long time.
23 November 2015, 21:08

AH. !! Graphite grease and road grime............nothing like it for breakfast. hehehehe. 🙂 👍
Does it have grease nipples too. ? 🙂
I can smell the dirt from here. lol 👍 🙂
23 November 2015, 21:17

Thanks Kerry. Not much grease yet, I'm affraid. But it will change. Soon.
I'm planning winter white-green camo and muddy and snowy base.
24 November 2015, 10:22

John - Thanks.
Scott - So, go ahead, waht are you waiting for. That's greatly engineered model.
James - Thank you.
25 November 2015, 15:47

The list before it is long, but at least I have a standard to aim for now. Actually mine is still on the water (Surface mail) having waited forever for it to be restocked.
26 November 2015, 02:59

Ohh, I see. My list was also quite long but when I get this beast in my hands I could not resist. I even put aside my started projects (MiG-23, Kraz-6446 with Tunguska, Type90, SAM-6 with ZSU-23-4, SA-2 Transport) but I can say it was worth it. This is so far the best model that I was building - it's even better than many Tamiya models. Quality of parts, how they are engineered, level of details is really impressive. The main flaw so far is the launcher tubes as they need a lot of attention after gluing two halves of it.
26 November 2015, 10:33

Seems like we have similar modelling interests. Have all my Russian collection in galleries now if bored one day
26 November 2015, 12:37

It's quite a luxury to have all these propulsion parts. When I built the old Dragon Scud kit, I had to scratch all that. Nice work!
26 November 2015, 13:55

seems like a very nice kit... nice built so far. Do the launch tubes clean-up easily?
26 November 2015, 15:01

Gerald - Thank you.
Steven - It's true - however most of them won't be visible at all. 😉
Marco - Thank you very much.
Bart - Yes it is - it's a really nice kit.
As for the tubes: tubes are divided info four sections. Front one with missile cone is about 5cm long and after gluing, only one side needs to be clean up as for the other side you glue some element but I'm not sure what it is. The next section is about 6cm long and it needs some attention as well as next longest section. Main problem is that there is some rod/wiring around the tubes - it it something like rifled barrel but on outside. And two of the bigger elements are doing full turn around the tube but there are also few smaller (like half rod) doing few turn around tube. It is hard to get rid of the join without removing some of those elements.
Take a look at picture 23 or 44 in my album and you will see what I meant.
26 November 2015, 15:44

Thanks. Model is "add glue - shake the box" type so it is a real pleasure to work on it. :-D
2 December 2015, 09:24

Jonns - Thank you. Yes, model is quite large, that's why I like it even more. 😉
Soheil - Thank you.
2 December 2015, 12:05

Wow, again, that interior looks great, with the Cyrillic stencilling and the instruments. Is that the colour that Russian aircraft cockpits also use? It reportable is psychologically the most calming colour. This is a fabulous effort, should be in a museum
2 December 2015, 20:49

Rui - Thank you.
Scott - Thanks. Color is similar to cockpit colors but I would say that this one is more green then turquise. Yes I red about it sometime ago that this color is very calming.
Jeffrey - Thanks.
2 December 2015, 22:17

Mine arrived today, but Trumpeter version, very intimidating. Makes me appreciate even more your results.
3 December 2015, 12:45

Good for you. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed mine.
I found quite good comparision of those two models. It was published on facebook in few parts.
You can take a look at part one:
3 December 2015, 13:42

Wow, again, that's a great looking piece of rock, I'm loving the thought of the vehicle appearing though there. Is idea your imagination or inspired by photo
18 December 2015, 22:02

Your attention to the detail is what I expected, and now the Dio is in the mix, I am sure it will be an exciting "Moment in time" delight. 🙂 👍
excellent work Przemek. 👍
18 December 2015, 23:50

Scott - Thank you very much. It's my imagination, as I started forming the styrofoam I cut the rear wall first but I cut too much, so I decided to add coming at the side and idea of arch appeared in my head. Rest was just a some random adding of styrofoam blocks and plaster layers. 🙂
John - Thank you.
Kerry - Thank you too. As always you are just too kind.
Cortex471 - Thanks.
19 December 2015, 07:46

Thank you Glenn.
Last photo added before final photo session.
6 January 2016, 20:20

There was a heap of work and a great result.👍
Congrats Przemek, and what will you do with it now. ?
6 January 2016, 20:36

Think this is my favourite thing I've seen a quite a while, subject matter, original composition for diorama, and how you have done it together with the outstanding finish quality. You've done snow beautifully. I hope this takes pride of place in your collection and can place it somewhere you can walk past every day and admire. Congratulations, it is a shame its finished in one way, I've been enjoying seeing its progress.
6 January 2016, 21:43

Kerry - Thanks. I'm not sure, probably it will go on a display shelf next to rest of my models. probably from time to time I will take it to some show or events. For sure it will take part in the Meng Contest. Maybe also this time I will win something.
Scott - Thank you very much. I have a shaelf where all my model sits next to my working place so every time I turn head right I can see them (from the very first model to the last one), some I like more then others, some were experiments, but every model bring some good memories. And you right it is little shame that form so many option that this model offers I chose the simpliest one, but Hey, it is always a good reason to build another one as this model is great that I would gladly do the next one.
7 January 2016, 10:06

Tolga - Thanks. And go for it. I would gladly watch it.😉
Matthias - Snow is made from baking soda. First I sprayed some hair lacquer then applied soda. You can repeat this process as many times you want/need so it is better to do it in small steps. This method is very easy to use and if something is not as desired you can always remove some with brush. For the wheels I put some soda with hair lacquer in the small jar and applied this pulp with old brush. That's it. I think that effect is quite good.
8 January 2016, 07:41

That indeed is a veryeasy and sophisticated method! 🙂 Looks great!!
8 January 2016, 19:49

You done great work Przemek: the last picture looks absolutely realistic!
8 January 2016, 20:36

John - Thank you.
Bernhard - Thank you very much.
David - Big thanks.
10 January 2016, 17:50

Great photos but can we see a few more angles of the finished complete dio? Too good not to show!
11 January 2016, 02:27

Terrific piece of work, I can well see this picking up several medals.
11 January 2016, 17:46
Album info
Photos of currently builded model of Smerch Artillery.