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Shiblee Hasan (shiblee)

Sukhoi Digital Flanker


1 30 November 2015, 06:51
Ulf Petersen
Amazing, Shiblee! What a spectacular work. 👍
 30 November 2015, 07:15
Dietmar Kollmann
Really great dio! Very nice!
 30 November 2015, 08:21
perry leung wai ho
Excellent job. It is hard to do digital camouflage!
 30 November 2015, 09:34
Bart Goesaert
very nice work. The digital sheme, is this completely in decals?
 30 November 2015, 09:46
Nice Work!!!
 30 November 2015, 10:03
Łukasz Gliński
Outstanding result
 30 November 2015, 10:21
Great job.
 30 November 2015, 17:35
Shiblee Hasan Autor
Thank you! Bart Goesaert: yes, mostly decals. Since the decals were for a different kit, I had to airbrush here and there to blend it in.
 30 November 2015, 18:45
Harry Eder
Great Flanker 👍
 1 December 2015, 09:11
Scott Dutton
Wow, inspiring work
 1 December 2015, 11:55
Gustavo Antonelli
Amazing work, congratulations!
 2 June 2016, 15:34
Sortic Zhao
 2 June 2016, 15:51
Eelco Gregoire
Nice dio
 2 June 2016, 16:06
Eugen P.
Nice camouflage 👍
 2 June 2016, 16:08
B. M.
Flanktastic! 🙂
Can't take my eyes of it. Superb work, congrats.
 2 June 2016, 16:16
looks great...
 2 June 2016, 16:42
Christian Lehmann
Very nice model and scenery
 2 June 2016, 17:08
Erik Leijdens
Very beautiful 👍
 2 June 2016, 17:44
how could i miss this one before. really nicely done. i really like the last picture, pity the blinds, otherwise it could fool anybody 😉
 4 January 2017, 15:08
Holger Kranich
Excellent work Shiblee, just excellent!
 4 January 2017, 15:17
Murad ÖZER
looking wonderful 👍
 4 January 2017, 15:50
Looks amazing with that digital Camo!
 4 January 2017, 16:11
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
Good work ... like it a lot !
 5 January 2017, 17:32
Rahul Kulkarni
Awesome and fabulous work!
 23 December 2018, 11:03
Christian Keller
Great work :-o
 23 December 2018, 11:11

Album info

Sukhoi Su-30 in Ukraine Air Force Digital Flanker pixel camouflage.

18 Bilder
1:72 Su-30MKK Flanker G (Trumpeter 01659)1:72 Ladder (DreamModel DM 0545)1:72 Digital Su-27 (Authentic Decals 72-61)3+

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