Olympia Meise AZ Models
1 21 January 2016, 20:06

Alright ! So this will be a quick build, just for people like me who want to finish something in between.
21 January 2016, 20:21

Many thanks George! I will post some more pictures tomorrow.
23 January 2016, 20:14

Here are some more pics of this Glider. Ready to paint now!
24 January 2016, 13:59

Very nice and clean work on this pretty little glider, Christian ! Did your Grandad fly in one of these ?
1 February 2016, 19:36

Thanks Hanno!
Not the Meise, but SG-38 and Grunau Baby.
1 February 2016, 19:38

Thank You Erik!
@Hanno: My Grandfather made his first flight on 12.01.1938. in a Grunau 9 when he was was 47 years old. All in all he made 111 flights in Gliders like Grunau 9, SG 38, Zögling 35, 12m Zögling, Göppinger Wolf, Göppingen 4, Grunau Baby, Bussard and Kranich. The last flight recorded in this flight log was on 04.09.1941.
1 February 2016, 19:59