WIP - PLZ05Anzeigen: Diashow Mosaik Liste 1March 16, 2016Unboxing model. 2March 16, 2016Lower hull with workable axles. 3March 16, 2016Bottom view. 4March 16, 2016With wheels - 3 hours of work. 5March 24, 2016Tracks are bad. Hard to separate from the sprue, they need a lof of cleaning and suppose to glueless (snap) but pins broke and they eed glue. 6March 24, 2016Rather simple hull. 7March 24, 2016Front view. 8March 24, 2016Rear view. 9March 24, 2016Turret is more complicated. 10March 24, 2016A lot of equipment. 11March 24, 2016Finished tracks. I will probably glue them in place after attching to the vehicle. 12March 24, 2016Starting base. First some XPS layers. 13March 24, 2016Then paper/tissue with thin white glue. 14March 24, 2016I'm planning to put vehicle something like this. Kommentare 1 16 March 2016, 17:26GaryVery nice!! Gary 24 March 2016, 17:21Przemek Przybulewski AutorThank you Gary. 24 March 2016, 19:59Album infoPhotos of building PLZ05 SPH model.34. PLZ05 155mm SPH36 Bilder1:35FertiggestelltPLZ05 155 mm SELF-PROPELLED HOWITZER 中国人民解放军 (People's Liberation Army 1927-now)09-032009 China's 60th National Day ParadeDigital Camo(Green, Light Green, Dark Green, Sand) Alle AlbenAlle Alben anzeigen »