Other stuff i collect...

A most impressive and delightful collection Glenn. 👍
I am wondering how long it has taken to acquire all these items. ? 🙂
Much much money in there LOL 🙂 👍

Thanks Kerry, It's a bit of a change from building stuff all the time. I've only been collecting this stuff for about 3 months! But it does drain the wallet.... More than plastic kits even! The problem with this stuff is it's limited release one off stuff. If you don't get the figures when they first come out you pay even bigger figures to find them later! I don't plan on getting too many more.... That's what i said about model kits 20 years ago! The Aliens and Predators have taken over the top of the piano .... oops! someone might want them to find another home soon... 🙂

Hi Glen. 👍 I am in the process of buying 3 tall glass display cases that IKEA produce, $99.00 Au each ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/60269123/ and I desperately need them, and considering that I can spend that much on 3 models, well, I'll let you do the math. 🙂 But I might suggest that it is a better alternative to the top of a piano mate. 🙂 My son who is 30 now has a collection of Matchbox and Corgi you have got to see to believe, but being a submariner, any port in the far east he hits, it's off to the model shops and then the girls, in that order, but he has also managed to collect a decent stash of some wood and metal kits by Hasegawa too, lucky stiff. 🙂

Thanks Kerry, I will most likely take a look at 1 or 2 of these cases as soon as i have some spare money! It's ideal for the 12 inch figures i might look at adding some LED lighting around the cabinet too to show the face detail! 🙂

There are LED packs that can be bought for them too Glenn, so no heat like those little QH spot/ceiling lights I have seen. I will eventually get a larger one from IKEA, as they are reasonably priced. As for the dosh, just forego a couple of kits for a while. 🙂 👍

I'll also need a larger cabinet for that damn De Lorean that's gonna cost half of what the model cost! So for the time being it will stay packed away like all my 1/18 die cast car models... 🙁

Great collection! I have a pretty varied collection too. It is a deep pit one digs, though, to pursue diecast vehicles and plastic figurines. And that's not including the Japanese ones!

Thanks Julian, I won't be adding much to the 1/6 figure collection now. I just wanted a few of my favorite movie figures. I have around 300+ 1/18 scale high quality die-cast cars too. each around $200Aud give or take! But i still like my 1/72 scale aircraft collection the most, Just have to find time and room to keep building them. One day i will most likely sell some of the cars but not the aircraft collection any time soon!

I do believe I see some IKEA display cases. 🙂 🙂 🙂
A most impressive set of characters you have Glen. 👍
Well done mate. 🙂

Thanks Kerry yes i got one of those little Swedish cabinets a bit fiddly and delicate to put together but it keeps the dust off my expensive barbie dolls! But as you can see not much room left in the room now!

Great stuff, didn't know there is a Marty McFly figure out there! The table with the Leia holograph if fab...never seen it before and yet so new. Never sell this stuff Glenn , the moment you sell is the moment you miss them and when you close your eyes one day you have other worries than buying a glass cabinet🙂

Thanks Melf, Check out HOT TOYS / Sideshow website to see more of this great stuff. The Table with Leia hologram comes with the R2-D2 unit. R2 opens up like a Swiss army knife! The table has a bright LED under the clear blue Leia figure!

This has taken my breath away Glen. One of THE most impressive collections I have aver seen mate. A true credit to your skills and patience. 👍 🙂Salute. 👍
Album info
I added a few more images to this folder showing the figures in the Ikea glass cabinet and how my hobby room is now overtaken by BOXES! Anyway i thought it might be interesting to share some photos of other things i collect. As they are all figures of movie icons, I know there not MODELS! But very well detailed figures some costing way more than models! The Alien & Predator figures are around 8 inches tall, The Iron Man is 1/4scale over 15inches tall and lights up. The Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Cowboys & Aliens and Marty McFly figures are 1/6 scale Hot Toys/Sideshow figures cost around $300 each and some light up. The Back to the Future De Lorean is Hot Toys 1/6 model it's 29inches/74cm Long! and lights up inside & out, The flux capacitor flashes too! Note it still has the protective plastic over parts and i have not added the wire grid parts around the bumper (still packed in the box) No wonder i don't get much time to make models anymore! 🙂