Revell F-106A finished in N.J. A.N.G. markings.
1 28 March 2016, 17:22

Thank you very much Augie. Have you seen Airfix's new tool Boulton Paul Defiant?. It is not available on this side of the pond yet.
29 March 2016, 01:26

I'm well pleased to see your Dart finished Clifford. Excellent work on and old but still good kit 👍 You can be really proud of it! Thank you for sharing.
Cheers, Christian
29 March 2016, 17:11

Yes please mam, If you don't mind to much, I'll owe you a huge favor.
29 March 2016, 22:22

What a beaut!!! She really turned out nice.... I am gonna have to get one of those for the stash!
31 March 2016, 03:01

I like it! I just finished mine a couple weeks ago. Got me to do a double take since I didn't remember posting any photos of it.
2 April 2016, 01:22

Thank you both very much. This was the first kit with raised panel lines that I ever re-scribed. I am very happy with how it turned out. I hear a lot of Revell/old Monogram kits calling my name. LOL. I do wish they would re-release the 1/48 F-89J Scorpion.
2 April 2016, 23:32

Like. It brings back memories. As a kid, my family used to go out to the airport and watch the ANG take off the parallel strip. Nowadays, they're flying Eagles.
26 April 2016, 01:57

Clifford your build has inspired me to grab one of these off ebay... got it for $20 shipped, not a bad deal at all. Hope my build turns out as nice as yours!
27 April 2016, 19:06

Thank you Michael and Guido. Michael, if you want to do the scheme I did the Decals are aviable from Expert decals. I actually worked on that particular aircraft. We converted it into a Full size radio control target drone. My name is in the miniscaule printing on the nose wheel door. The Expert decals provides markings and paint guide for the drone version also.
28 April 2016, 21:58

That is so cool that your name is on the nose wheel door!!! I would consider doing that particular bird, as the markings are pretty awesome, but since you did that one already I had already looked for other markings I like and settled on this:
In particular the 318th FIS markings. Really dig the tail markings for that Squadron.
28 April 2016, 22:53

Thank you all very much. Michael, I like those markings also. I have a T-33 that is done in the 318 FIS markings, it was the squadron "Hack".
29 April 2016, 21:38

That's a great looking Dart. Great model for a great aircraft . Can I ask where did you find the decals? I really like the right side with the squadrons that flown the type
28 February 2020, 09:21

I got them from a company called Expert Decals, it is the same company which sells Bare Metal foil. So you can either go to Expert or Bare Metal Foil. com. I think they were 6.50 U.S. Dollars. I actually worked on the real F-106 that the decals depict.
1 March 2020, 00:46
Album info
OOB except for custom decals.