2 10 May 2016, 06:37

Thank you gentlemen! It went together great. Just wish the decals had been better and not been so crappy.
11 May 2016, 04:53

I am having a very deep debate with myself as to whether to weather or not.
11 May 2016, 19:49

May I join in that debate Don ?😉 😄
nothing too heavy, a panel wash, a mild streaking grime, a little dust on it's boots perhaps, some modest exhaust stains, the odd oil leak, perhaps a little bit of sun bleaching, maybe some rain makes, dust from the maintenance crew clambering over it, perhaps some chipping too, around the cockpit, chuck in some post shading, you know, nothing complicated haha 😄 😄 😄
I do like the definition a panel wash gives a model though, if you know what I mean 🙂
and besides the weathering stage is the most fun 😄
(for me anyhow, it's where I make "best" mistakes lol)
Anyhow, you know you want to 😄
11 May 2016, 20:12

"Anyhow, you know you want to"
I just laughed WAY to hard at that. LMAO
I am seriously considering trying to do some fading and a general pastel wash. Dont think I will go much beyond that.
12 May 2016, 03:41

LOL In the end I chose to leave well enough alone on this one and not do any weathering. The gent that beat me did not weather his model either. His build was on par with mine. I really believe it came down to subject matter, WWII is going to win out every time with this particular group of guys.
11 July 2016, 04:58

well such things are very subjective and if you're happy with it then the job is done well 🙂
I have to admit there is an appeal of model done well and cleanly as you have achieved here.
....but you know me, I like a dirty bird😉 😄
11 July 2016, 12:54

Well, next F-80 I do I will make her dirty. Just for you.😉
16 July 2016, 08:13
Album info
The Hobby Boss 1/48 kit. A nice little build. I do hate how most companies insist on splitting the fuselage on the 50's jets into for pieces. Just do the standard two halves and mold a thin area for us to cut IF we want to display it with the back half off. Hasegawa has their 86 that way.
Anyway, aside from crappy decals, and leaving the narrow main gear dorrs out of the instructions completely, this was a nice kit. I would do another with after market decals and the fighter version in a heartbeat.