Final Presentation
Photo 1 of 8
17 June 2016, 11:59

Please keep in mind that this is one of my very first Models, so don't judge too harshly, thanks, you wonderful people 😄
17 June 2016, 12:07

And sorry for the blurry pictures, I don't have a good camera. Only my phone
17 June 2016, 12:08

Hi Marco,
who would judge hard whe some see one of your first models?😉 I think you recognized some imperfections yourself and you dont make a failure come again. And as Long as you like your model - all is good!
Cheers Holger
17 June 2016, 13:08

It was great. Especially as a beginner I really didn't feel any problem with it. The assembly was easy, there were not many parts. The colouring was what really kept me sitting there for hours 😄
17 June 2016, 15:46

I already bought another tank. I hope I can correct all the flaws that I made on this one 🙂
17 June 2016, 16:06

You did Well Marco, don't forget it is your Model and as such it is always Perfect! My Models always lack perfection but i post them online in order to get better and get some tips from other mates. And you can get a lot of good suggestions on this Platform.
17 June 2016, 16:20

might i suggest one thing. spray paints are much easier to work with than brush paints. At least for your base coat next time i suggest A tamiya rattle can of Dark yellow. You will get a nice smooth finish provided you apply it evenly and in multiple thin coats. but that's a "next step" I think you did much better than I when i first built a kit. (i had to have my mentor/older brother help me)
17 June 2016, 18:41

Thank you all for your support. I will try my best to always build my kits to the best form I can get to. And I will also get some spray paint 😄 . I already bought my next Tank and it will arrive today so stay tuned mates 😄
18 June 2016, 07:47

Which Airbrush do you recommend? It shouldn't be too expensive but should do the job for a beginner like me 🙂
19 June 2016, 10:38

Ich mach mal eben auf deutsch weiter😢
Schau mal bei MBK oder Amazon nach Fengda. Die haben nette Komplett und Einzelsets für wenig Geld. Ich bin ziemlich zufrieden und im Vergleich mit anderen, die ich hatte, hat die echt ein cooles Spritzbild. Die Herpa Plug & Spray ist auch geil, und auch nicht so teuer.
19 June 2016, 11:41

Braucht man fuer so eine Airbrush eigentlich so einen riesigen Compressor?
19 June 2016, 17:32

Nö, ganz und gar nicht. Ein großer hat halt den Vorteil eines Behältnisses zum "Luftaufbewahren". Ein kleiner Kompressor läuft halt durch und macht mehr krach.
20 June 2016, 06:29