7 September 2016, 21:10

Hi Bart. Well, that's becoming a problem as my stand with 6 shelves (60cm x 120cm) is full now.
It's very high so I will probably be able to rearrange it a little bit and fit 2 more shelves but I didn't expect that I will run out of space so quickly. 🙁
8 September 2016, 13:16

Great start, I like the look of the black chassis, engine & transmission with the silver dry brushing.👍
9 September 2016, 23:03

James - thank you. Unfortunately I cannot compare it to the Dragon kit as I didn't build it. I had it in my stash but as soon as Trumpeter announced release of his SCUD, I sold my Dragon's kit. But gor sure frame, engine, transmission ans suspension are detaily represented in Trumpy's kit.
Thank you Michael.
17 September 2016, 06:18

Hi Przemek, Really great stuff. Like your works very much! All of them, 👍
1 October 2016, 03:45

Ingo - thank you.
Mohammad - thank you too. It is very nice to read comments like yours. 🙂
1 October 2016, 20:21

Looks mighty impressive. Curious to see the end result. By the way, you have a very nice and organized man cave 🙂
1 October 2016, 20:58

Thank Lex. It took me few years to design and build my man cave. And it is still not ready. 😉
3 October 2016, 15:02

Glen - Thank you.
Evgeny - Thank you very much.
Mohammad - I will try to do some more pictures during my work. Are you interested in any particular step or just overall?
10 October 2016, 11:37

Thank you very much James. Oh, you are too kind and I am pretty sure that everyone can paint like this. It is not so difficult.
10 October 2016, 19:03

Thanks Przemek, Generally i am interested to build diorama. Especially makeing the plants water asphalt on base. 👍
11 October 2016, 05:04

Ok. I will try to make as many pictures as possible. I will add captions while posting them but in case of questions feel free to contact me.
11 October 2016, 06:03

Promising start with the base. I'm shure it will be become a beautiful diorama.
11 October 2016, 06:43

Quite impressive. The simple process of pre-assembly and painting makes sense. I'm going to make note of that and add to my tool box. Can't wait to see finished build.
11 October 2016, 11:34

Thank you very much Lex.
Thank you Bryn. I'm glad that my ideas and way of building and painting is useful to someone. 😉
12 October 2016, 10:18

Great effort in both the model building and the photography you have done in order to share. Makes it almost like a FAQ on how to build and how to pre shade and is a very useful tutorial. The result you have got is spectacular, you are a very organised and patient man, I'm looking forward to final outcome. Many thanks for sharing
30 October 2016, 20:29

Thank you very much Scott. For a couple of years I tried different techniques of painting just to find my own way. It's a combination of few methods which in my opinion are giving pretty good results without taking too much time.
31 October 2016, 06:29

Scott - thats true. I have around 110 models in my stash and even if I was able to build a lot of this year the stash is still growing.
Gorgygould - Thank you.
16 November 2016, 19:39

And it has become a beautiful diorama!! A figure for scale comparison would be a nice touch?
17 November 2016, 18:54

That has finished off beautifully, agree with Lex a figure would way be great, I especially like the little nice touch of an Orthodox Cross, sets the location in a general and subtle, perhaps a priest or even a child chatting to driver. Also very much like your interiors, cabin and firing compartment. Congrats
17 November 2016, 20:52

Lex - I completely agree, but there is one small issue. I do not know how to paint figures. I did some in the past but they didn't look too good.
Thank you Scott. I did my own cross and replaced the one from the kit. Original one was much smaller and thin.
18 November 2016, 12:27
Album info
Photos of build in progress of SCUD.