Pilatus PC-21 Swiss Air Force (late)
35 11 November 2016, 08:13

What a red beauty ! Excellent Work Benoit, looks like a much bigger scale. 👍
11 November 2016, 08:40

Really nice work👍. Got this kit a few days ago, can´t wait do built it when I saw yor result!
11 November 2016, 11:49

Wow, soooo nice: For instance, the exhausts just look like the real metal ones!
11 November 2016, 20:57

Thanks guys. I've added a few more pics and will try to shoot some with daylight too. It was really a pleasure to build this plane. Of course some minor issues here and there but overall a very good quality kit.
12 November 2016, 10:54

what a beautiful bird you have done. painting looks simply amazing. lots of polishing involved i supposed. truly gorgeous.
28 December 2016, 09:36

Danke Bernhard, thanks everybody 🙂
Spanjaard - as for polishing: Yes, there has been quite a lot of polishing involved, but this time mainly before the painting! The surface of the parts was rather grainy and needed a serious polish before applying the first layer of color. Afterwards I just polished slightly the base red to get the dust particles off and then I loaded a good layer of Alclad Aqua Gloss which is, IMHO, certainly among the better clear coats.
3 January 2017, 22:38

very nice, Benoit ! you add more details, walkstep, antenna, luminescent band, it's homemade ?
24 August 2017, 07:02

Is that the original canopy? It looks like it is very thin and really looks like glass.
24 August 2017, 18:27

Thanks guys.
@gtiery: yes, antennas, footstep, aoa sensor are homemade.
Pitot is from a gun set (either from B-17 or Hellcat accessories)
Formation light (lumin band) and walkways are decal stripes from xtradecal sheet
Static discharger are photoetched (If I recall rught, from eduard)
@ed: Canopy is the original, dipped two times in future (klir)
The canopy lacks actually the detonation cord...if someone has a good hint for future reference....
Decal was not provided for it (it would have been anyways very difficult to add it, because of the canopy's strong curve(bow)
My attempt to build one out of sprue failed miserably...
25 August 2017, 04:13
Album info
Last Pilot School - Sion Airbase 2016