Monogram Republic F-84F Thunderstreak

Nice Thunderstreak, and I wouldn't worry to much about the crowd.;)

Thanks Michael! Lol. no, I was just joking. Seems like a good crowd around here. 🙂

Nice Thunderstreak. Those old Monogram kits aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be.

Agreed Bryn. 🙂 Thanks Bernd and Bryn, I think she turned out okay. 🙂

Nice work on that one, I have one myself its an ok kit but can be a bit of a monster.

Thanks Augie. Yeah, the canopy support structure is a beast to assemble. I never did get it completely correct and just said, "sod it", close enough. ). The tailplanes have a fairly tenuous connection at best but the rest went together well for me. Maybe I just got lucky...🙂. Thanks again!

Thanks soheil and thanks Daniel! Kind of you to comment; thanks for taking time to have a look.
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Maybe it's my age, well, I was born in 1952 after all, but I really like the jets from the '50s. To me, they just look like a jet fighter is supposed to. It seems that to aircraft designers back then, there was no limit to their imagination. Some of the most beautiful fighters(the Hawker Hunter comes to mind!) were born then and no computer calculations determined that. For many it seems that if it looked "right" then it was! At any rate, I've really been on a '50s run lately. Buying and working(not finishing so many tho') on a lot of planes from that era.
It's another of the "good" Monogram kits I think. It's possible to make a real nice model out of this old bird. I originally bought this kit back in the late 1980s(!) and it sat in the stash for years. When I did finally get around to building it, I tried an experiment of sorts. I primed the bottom side in a dark gray, and then sprayed the light gray over that. Then, I gently sanded away the lighter color over the raised panel lines. It turned out pretty