Gorby's Italeri Ju-87 G-2 Stuka

Your Stuka looks amazing gorbygould! 😄 I really like the detailing with the extra pipes in the engine!

Thanks Camilla! The pipes probably aren't supposed to be copper coloured, but what the hell, I like the look of them.

Man, that is sweet gorby! I can't see a problem with your canopy, I struggle with those too ya know? Overall? A very nice Stuka for your collection! 👍

Loved it! first the kit itself is a dog so i've heard, second those painted markings are surely making a huge difference, almost a game changer especially at the wx step. big huge kudos pulling that part properly, for my last attempt at painting those ended up not so....inspiring 😄

Thank you Johan, Gary & Murad! Jean Pierre has inspired me to try using the correct colours this time and I'm quite pleased with the result. Other than few issues with cowling fit, I think it's a good kit, which helped quite a lot with the end result. Unlike a lot of modellers on here, painting isn't my favourite part of the build, so I still find it a bit of a struggle.
You never know what to expect when you upload a build, so It's always a real boost when people take time to comment so, thanks again.

That is fantastic gorby! The engine in particular is awesome.

you got yourself a beautiful mean stuka here gorby. i will keep this album as reference for mine 🙂
i got the tamiya rebox, that i got for a good price. i think it includes even the svastikas.... in a separate sheet

Thank you Camilla and Spanjaard!
Spanjaard: No I wasn't aware that swastikas were forbidden in Italy until I went looking for a reason why they weren't included. I found that they are banned in Germany (which I knew about), Italy, Israel, France & Hungary.
Rather than use mine as an example, I would advise you to cut out the middle man and look at Roland Sachsenhofer's Ju-87 build, at least for the cannon – that is what I used for reference. Also, looking at Roland's albums are an education and a pleasure in itself.

Nice paint work, it's wonderful kit & whole job was done excellent. I have the same in stash, will look at your model when will make one.

Thank you very much for your comments Christian, David, Artem and Choppa!

thanks for the info, gorbygoud, i guess you mean Junkers Ju 87-G2 "Kanonenvogel"- Doppelpack | Album by Roland (1:32) , true, it is a realy good one. but i still also like yours 🙂

Many thanks again Spanjaard. 🙂
I've just realised that I forgot to add a photo to the album. I wanted to include it because it shows the most difficult/fiddly part of the build...

gorby, how did you paint the instrument panel? It, and the rest of the 'pit look great! 🙂

looks very good... on the second picture, is this a before and after? is this with only varnish applied? or also some filters?

I can't take credit for the instrument dials Gary, I used decals behind the photo etch. The rest of the pit is just out of the box.
Thanks Bart: The second pic is just to show my experiment in faded paintwork. I did a significantly lighter colour undercoat (bottom left) and then, after preshading I lightly sprayed the final colours. I have just superimposed the final result (top right) over the work in progress to show the difference in the colours for undercoat and topcoat.

Thank you for your comments. 🙂
Neil: I didn't use coffee stirrers, but they would probably do just as well. A few years ago I built a dolls house for my step daughter, and in some of the rooms I laid 1/12 scale wooden floorboards. I miscalculated, and over-ordered, which was annoying at the time, but I've used them in loads of other things since. I just darkened them with a brown oil wash.
I didn't know that Aron, my, probably less than intensive research (about an hour on Google images) didn't reveal that information.😉

Excellent bird, one of the Hans-Ulrich Rudel's stukas! @Aron, I think the A-0 had a Hamilton metallic three blade propeller.

Great work! I like the details of the Cannons and the effect of the spraying cross mark.

Thank you all for your nice comments and taking the time to look. Much appreciated. 🙂

I have the Airfix 1/48 Stuka in my stash.... really making me looking forward to start that project

Very nice. The diorama is a quick attention getter as well. I need to do more of those.

Thanks very much Rui, Jim, Guy and the bods who've clicked on 'like'. 🙂

Gosh! Gorby this looks EPIC! Missed it before (was on me hols!) Just seen album and wanting to add my own admiration - fantastic work 👍👍

Thanks everyone for your nice comments. 🙂
I'm surprised this one has cropped up again from the dim distant past. Mind you, with a memory like mine anything before breakfast is the dim distant past. 😄
Album info
Unless you're a WWII refugee – what's not to love about the good old Stuka? I'm also fascinated with size of the cannons that the Luftwaffe squeezed onto some of their aircraft. Put the two together and you get a Ju-87 G-2!
I was impressed with the detail on this kit, so I thought I would see how good it was out of the box. Then I did a bit of research (my research is an hour or so on Google images) and noticed some areas for improvement. Although the engine is very nicely detailed, a lot of pipe-work is missing. I found quite a few images of the G-2 engine, but they all varied quite a bit, as a result the pipes I've added are more to make the engine look 'busy' rather than be 100% accurate, so don't use mine as a guide.
The other alteration I made was to the cannon. I can't bring myself to pay half the kit price, for a couple of small parts, maybe that might change if a rich aunt dies or money started growing on our trees (unfortunately, I haven't got a rich aunt and the puppy eats EVERYTHING in the garde