Pzkpfw V Panther Ausf A
1 13 March 2017, 20:03

Not yet 🙁 he is waiting for the camo and weathering. If the status updated I will upload new phoros. Kit is ok, I like the Revell 1/72 tank kits.
20 April 2017, 21:35

thanks Zsolt. i have been thinking on getting some tank in 1/72, takes a lot less space than 1/35 and i am sure you can have a lot of fun building them😉
20 April 2017, 22:47

looking good so far... it's a very nice kit, as are most of the revell tanks in 1/72. only flaw in this kit is the cupolla...
21 April 2017, 07:40

This Revell kits are a joy to build. Looks nice so far. The Barrel is cooool😄
21 April 2017, 08:06

only nitpicking: the angles of the glacis plate aren't right, there should be 7 episcopes on the commanders cupolla instead of 6, also 3 lifting eyes, but as said before, it is mostly nitpicking... also thought there was something with the dimensions of the cupolla, the angles of the upper plate, but in the end, everyone wil see a nice model 😉
24 April 2017, 09:19

Thanks for the detailed info Bart 🙂 I have in my wish list now :-D
aufs G, actually
24 April 2017, 20:12

Me too, but as a late war, with ambush pattern and the cleaning rod tube not at the side but at the rear...
25 April 2017, 09:46

Camo sprayed... This is the second pazttern. The first was so awfull, tgat I must overspray it. I'm statisfied with this... 🙂
30 September 2017, 09:45

Thank you Alec, but it's ca. 95% completed. I have some little thing to do, but I see already the light at rhe end if the tunnel. 🙂
14 October 2017, 15:37

Now I say it's completed! I'm very statisfied with this old German cat!
17 October 2017, 21:37