FW 190 A-8 (JG4)
1 21 June 2017, 13:53

Fantastic dio, Marco! A feast for the eyes! The 190 Looks like 48 or 32! Fantastic, really! 👍 The exhaust stains are most realistic.
1 21 June 2017, 14:35

excellent. and in 1/72 is simply incredible. my congratulations and respect
1 21 June 2017, 20:12

Não é a minha escala, mas não resisti a este excelente modelo do FW executado por um excelente modelista conterrâneo.
Parabéns Marco
1 21 June 2017, 22:25

You have done an excellent work and have built a very lifelike diorama 👍
I just note the Preiser figures, they seems to be quit nice for that scale with a lot of interesting figures coming along with the box.
1 24 June 2017, 18:05