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Clifford Keesler (stormrider509)



1 8 August 2017, 20:26
Very nice so far, going to matt coat it after?
 23 September 2017, 18:45
Clifford Keesler Autor
Yes it will get a Matt coat.
 23 September 2017, 19:28
Either way buddy looks sweet little build
 23 September 2017, 19:38
Clifford Keesler Autor
 23 September 2017, 19:40
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you James. It has had a wash and Matt coat applied. Now comes final weathering. More pics soon.
 25 September 2017, 17:30
Wim van der Luijt
Nice little bird Clifford!
 27 September 2017, 06:25
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Wim. It is the old Hobby Craft kit.
 27 September 2017, 14:57
Stephan Ryll
that a good looking result Clifford 👍
 27 September 2017, 17:17
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Stephan.
 27 September 2017, 22:49
William O.
Sorry for dredging up this ole thread, but have to congratulate you doing such a nice job on the bird 👍. I have the exact same kit sitting in me stash right now, waiting for me to finish my other projects. Looks like i'll be copying you 😄. Great stuff!
 22 February 2020, 02:55
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much William.
 23 February 2020, 00:27
Nathan Dempsey
That's what I did William 🙂
 23 February 2020, 01:55
Slavo Hazucha
Got here via Nathan´s link and hey, what a nice Vamp! Good job Clifford with your usual note of harmony in the overall finish - well done mate! 👍
 3 March 2020, 14:43
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Slavo, your kind words mean a lot.
 4 March 2020, 01:40

Album info

Hobby Craft's 1:48 scale Vampire NF-10 Night Fighter.

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