USS Enterprise - Waves
Photo 1 of 19
9 September 2017, 12:25

I'm thinking about putting the nameplate beneath the water. Not exactly realistic....
9 September 2017, 15:10

I airbrushed the nameplate first in grey (Revell 79). After drying I painted the gold by hand, nearly drybrushing. The letters are raised, but even so it took some time (rRevell 94). I wanted a bit rough look for the gold, not too shiny and smooth. Then I did the rust with a 10/0 brush along the edges of the letters, afterwards with a bigger brush I did the lower corners and a bit of blending. (Mig Light Rust wash).
I finished by weathering the gold with transparent green, also by brush (Mig Crystal Green).
11 September 2017, 11:21

Glued my white foam to some other foam. And realized too late that the stuff is nigh unpaintable 🙁
Some repairs might be needed 😉
Anyway, AK's Pacific Blue IS blue. Just added some in a thin layer and I'm quite excited for the result to show.
I do hope the nameplate will be visible again, as it's burried under blue gel at the moment.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow.
14 September 2017, 20:25

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.
I wanted a swell from top left to bottom right, which would give some more wilder waves on the starboard side and a lee to port.
I like the green colour, gives it a stormy look. Will see what some whitecaps will bring.
15 September 2017, 17:02

Thank you Christian. Praise from a master is always nice.
Just added some white. After this some white caps on the waves. Last, when the model is ready I'll add some bowspray.
17 September 2017, 12:59

Thanks Lode. I like the way the nameplate turned out. Not what I had in mind, but nice none the less.
22 September 2017, 21:47
Album info
My very first attempt to create some waves.
For my Enterprise build, I'll try to create a nice blue ocean.