Haunebu II
14 November 2017, 04:14

Thanks Alexander. You don´t have to watch for long. Model is almost finished.😉
14 November 2017, 21:07

Apart from the landing gear, is the crew using periscopes the watch their controls from those seats? 😉 Your painting looks great though! 👍
28 August 2019, 18:46

Thanks for comments Roland and Patrick. Seats have hydraulic risers of course.😉 This was a quick tongue in the cheek project without worries for accuracy. How can you have those anyhow when building a german ufo...😢
29 August 2019, 03:12

Awesome job! I cant believe there was actually an uproar over this kit because people felt some would take it seriously. I swear a high percentage of people are idiots.
1 September 2019, 16:29

"I swear a high percentage of people are idiots. "
got to agree with that sentiment, stupidity seems to be increasingly fashionable these days !!
As the late great George Carlin once put it -
" Just consider how stupid the average person is and then realise that half of everyone is even stupider than that"
.... and if you don't understand that then take a guess which half you're in😉 😄
I miss George !!
Anyhoooo .... Nice build Veli of an interesting subject 🙂
1 September 2019, 21:31

Thanks for looking and commenting Donald and Choppa. Thanks to social media idiots only get more attention than before...
3 September 2019, 03:37