Ab durchs Feld
8 10 December 2017, 18:28

Thx Mates! The Camo: 51st Independent armored battalion, Lenningrad 1944.
21 March 2021, 18:01

Love the dio! Nice you put track marks behind it to show it drove into the field. I see too many tanks/vehicles in dios that look like they were just put there. No indication of how they got where they ended up.
21 March 2021, 22:18
Album info
51st independent armored battailion, Leningrad 1944, einige ältere Panzermodelle haben in der Isolation von Leningrad die Zeit überdauert.
Russian KV-1 Model 41
Länge: 6,8 m Breite: 3,35 m Höhe: 2,7 m Gewicht: 43,5 t Besatzung: 5 Produktion: 1939 - 1943 Stück: 0
Hauptbewaffnung: 76,2 mm Kanone L/41 F-34 SiS-5 Zweitbewaffnung: 4x 7,62 mm DT MG
Motor: V-2, V12, Diesel, 600 PS Reichweite: 335 km Geschwindigkeit: 35 km/h