1 11 December 2017, 20:41

((( 😄 ))) if you can't afford a model kit of a car, this is one way 'round it... Excellent Jonns, I love it!!! 👍
Wenn du dir kein Modell kit eines Autos leisten kannst, ist das eine Möglichkeit '...
Ausgezeichnet Jonns, ich liebe es !!!
11 December 2017, 20:56

Two new pictures of road construction. It's almost done...
10 June 2018, 12:06

looking good and dynamic... just wondering what's the cause of the bump... (title I presume should be cemetery = graveyard)
20 June 2018, 10:04

thx Bart. The cause is a hole in the cobblestones, but not seen yet on the pictures. I thought both names are ok?!
20 June 2018, 10:48

looked it up,and it seems ok, but never heard of it, so I learned a new thing today.
20 June 2018, 10:54

Danke Frank! Wenn bedenkt das da eine Leiche drin liegt... 😄
21 June 2018, 05:52

Seems almost silly to tell you it's fabulous... it's so obvious that pointing it out feels like a useless thing to do...😉
2 December 2018, 22:27

simply the most refreshing thing i have seen in a long time! great!
3 December 2018, 12:03

Ein Dio zum schmunzel - gibt´s leider viel zu selten. Umsetzung super gelungen. Glückwunsch.
4 December 2018, 06:20

Great Jonns!! Fantastic Implementation as always! Great to see you back 👍
4 December 2018, 17:17

hehe, very funny. Love the tiling on top of the wall with the weeds and all... also love the cobblestones.
4 December 2018, 19:38
Album info
Die Moral von der Geschicht', vergiß beim Scheissen die Handbremse nicht!
The moral of the tale, to forget the handbrake when you shit is a fail!