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Hetzer Wreck

Photo 1 of 44


27 December 2017, 19:44
Alberto Traverso
so you're removing that part?
 27 December 2017, 23:18
Alberto Traverso
looking good... I like the engine
 27 December 2017, 23:19
Xerxes Autor
Yes part will be removed. Battle damage....
 28 December 2017, 18:53
Alberto Traverso
I see... it's gonna look good
 29 December 2017, 04:38
Rui S
Wouh, Nice work Xerxes, 👍
I'm definitely in😎
 15 March 2018, 09:41
Holger Kranich
I'm in too! Looks very seductive to me.
 15 March 2018, 11:47
Zsolt Czegle
Sieht wirklich gut aus! 👍
 15 March 2018, 11:55
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 15 March 2018, 12:17
Xerxes Autor
Thx mates. Never done so laborious and bad fitting tracks like these...still one side left to go 🙁
 15 March 2018, 18:20
Peter Hardy
Xerxes, back from the snowfields I see! This is an interesting project, I will be following with interest. Love the work done so far!
 18 April 2018, 07:49
Xerxes Autor
Yes back from the mountains. Just put my ski in the cellar Peter 🙂 Nashorn except of tracks also nearly finished. Update should follow soon...
 18 April 2018, 11:39
Peter Hardy
Been a l-o-n-g time since we had an update Mr Persian Emperor!
 26 April 2018, 09:35
Xerxes Autor
Hi sorry Peter - its been a long time since I had some time for modelling... still dont know when I will start over again - but I will keep u informed 🙂
 22 June 2018, 15:45
Peter Hardy
I will wait patiently!
 23 June 2018, 09:29
Xerxes Autor
Burnt effects added
 20 October 2018, 19:47
Excellent job on the burnt effects, rust. Really great. I am just wondering if the metal will crack in that way around the damaged area.
 20 October 2018, 20:41
Xerxes Autor
Hi Spanjaard thx. Cannot really say, but have a look at some uploaded pics...
 20 October 2018, 20:59
Peter Hardy
From all of the pix I have seen and text I have read on the subject late war armour plate on German AFVs was brittle and did crack and shatter in some circumstances. Either way, excellent skills and a worthwhile display Xerxes! Very eye catching and different from previous builds. Awesome mate!
 20 October 2018, 21:23
Xerxes Autor
Peter your comments are always very appreciated 🙂 Thx
 21 October 2018, 06:40
It certainly cracked, sorry. 🙂
 21 October 2018, 07:02
David Thor
Looks amazing, love the burnt parts.
 21 October 2018, 07:07
Wow, that looks excellent!
 21 October 2018, 18:30
Xerxes Autor
Thx for your motivating comments 👍
 22 October 2018, 10:50
Xerxes Autor
 22 October 2018, 19:01
Ron Dyson
 23 October 2018, 01:30
Tim Heimer
Wow! excellent work, looks real!
 23 October 2018, 02:21
Xerxes Autor
Very thankful for your comments. Started another album for the diorama...
 23 October 2018, 07:03
Peter Hardy
Austrian Alps?
 23 October 2018, 08:51
Xerxes Autor
Sorry Peter. Didn't get your point about the Alps...
 23 October 2018, 09:48
Peter Hardy
The diorama, is it in the Alps?
 23 October 2018, 10:18
Maurizio Pessina
Excellent! the damages, in particular the rust, is real!!!
 23 October 2018, 12:13
Xerxes Autor
Thx a lot.
Find enclosed the link to the diorama album Hetzer Wreck Diorama | Album by Xerxes (1:35) (still not finished yet)
 28 October 2018, 14:38
Jozef Goos
the battle damage is verry nice!
 28 October 2018, 14:57

Project info

44 Bilder
1:35 Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer Starr (Trumpeter 05524)

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