Mikoyan & Gurevitch MiG-29A (9-12) Fulcrum
22 February 2018, 12:02

those digital camos must be a pain to apply... but they certainly draw attention 🙂 very nice job!
23 February 2018, 10:26

Great looking MiG, Derek! Must have a lot of patience to be able to that decal job!
24 February 2018, 00:25

Thanks guys, yep those decals were a pain in the butt and I found out that they were designed for the Academy kit. Very thin and tore easily and some of the larger ones I had to split so I had to get another set just to correct things. How many noticed that the port outer missile had dropped from its mount slightly, no problem and corrected now. If you go to my albums there is a Ukraine AF Su-25 in digital also.
24 February 2018, 08:45
Album info
Great Wall 1/48th
Built OOB plus Authentic Decals and Master Anti-static wicks, pitot and a couple of other bits that I've forgotten. Brush painted with AKAN Acrylics. Decals are designed for the Academy kit consequently I had big problems getting things to match so had to buy a second set, my fault as should have read instructions before buying so another unnecessary expense.
I am aware that the port outer missile has dropped partially from it's pylon but now corrected and I couldn't be bothered to redo the piccies.